Surely I can't be the only one


New member
Sep 29, 2013
So I took Sammie to the bird shop to have her nails down, came home and gave her some snuggles and lunch. Had some errands to run, so I look at my shirt and sleeves to make sure she hadn't left any "presents."

I go run my errands, get home and my son gives me a hug and says. Sammie pooped on the back of your shirt.

I ran all over town with bird poop on the back of my cream colored henley, nice! :eek:
Guilty!! ;-) lol
Having Juno I now wonder if I have it in my hair because she likes to play in it
Parker knows he is only allowed on my hands and in my temperamental Amazons near the face...No Sir
Oh yes, not only do I sport 3D shirts sometimes, but I have many that have been permanently altered by holes of various sizes. :54:
Years ago I trimmed the toenails on a Macaw for a client in the vet clinic I worked for. The old fellow was amazingly well mannered for the job and I had toenails flying everywhere. I finished the job in no time and made sure oldtimer was not too stressed. He was fine and was sent home. I continued my day seeing clients and doing my job getting samples, histories and so forth. I noticed people kept looking at the center of my forehead as I spoke to them and wondered what was there. I wiped the area with a wet towel but noticed people kept looking at a certain spot on my forehead.

When I finally had a break several hours later, I went to the bathroom expecting a bird turd to be smeared across my forehead. Instead, I found a toenail sticking out from my hair as if I had a claw growing out of my forehead.

No wonder that Macaw was giggling when he left the room.
Ruby likes to sit on my purse sometimes. I went to walmart and took out my money to pay ( cash was just thrown down in my purse ) and Lo and behold, the cash was covered in Ruby pooples. The cashier just looked at me like I was insane, and I went into my wallet for clean cash.
oh yeah!! never a day without poopies,lol
Ya, there have been a few times my friends say EEEWWWW!!!!! WHAT IS ALL OVER YOUR COAT!?!? And I look in the mirror and see white and green splotches on my nice fluffy warm coat! :( So I just say eww I have no idea!
OMG I've walked out of the house with bird poop smeared all over the back of my shirt and the car seat, I was walking in the store while my partner says, your back is covered in bird embarrassing.....Or I'll find my work shirts with holes on it done by the macaws, or they pop the button....ugh....
2 words...hawaiian shirts. With the right pattern no one will ever see the poop.

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