Tail bobbing?


Apr 11, 2019
Is this tail bobbing? Does she seem to be having trouble breathing? Every once in a while I freak myself out thinking they're sick, but this time I'm especially anxious because one of my birds is being treated for an upper respiratory infection. He has been separated for two weeks, though, so I would think if any of my other birds were sick I would have known by now?http://cloud.tapatalk.com/s/5ec8759760c58/received_581456445908844.mp4

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is there a way to view w/o downloading?
Also, you wouldn't necessarily know. Seemingly healthy birds can be asymptomatic carriers of illness...but I can't see the video, so I can't tell you my opinion on the "bobbing"
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[ame="https://youtu.be/AUxqWWmMdWc"]Bird - YouTube[/ame]
I posted to youtube, I don't know any other way

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was she moving her head when this was taken? If you see her just sitting and looking forward, does it still happen?
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It does look like tail-bobbing (albeit, not the worst I have seen)...but that can sometimes happen if they are balancing/moving. That is why I wonder if it happens when she is sitting up straight...If it does, she needs to get to a vet. Also- is it typical for her to tuck her head mid-day like that?
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I agree with noodle123 it could be because of wind or air but it could be tail bobbing keep an eye on her see if she's eating preening etc.
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Yes, she naps like that during the day sometimes. It does seem to still happen when she is sitting normally. I have a recheck for the bird being medicated tomorrow, so maybe I can see if they have room for one more? I feel kind of bad, but they aren't open on Sundays, so...

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I would definitely get her in if it is happening when she is sitting still- especially given the fact that another in your flock was ill. Birds hide illness until they are nearly dead, so little things can actually be big read flags, you know?

I am not trying to scare you, but if there is no motion, wind etc, then the tail shouldn't move that way, and it's better to be safe than sorry, in my opinion. I hope she is fine and I am wrong.
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I'll call in the morning. They've been very accomodating in the past (Just last week they squeezed me in an emergency appointment because I thought I had caused my bird to aspirate his medication. Turns out he was fine...ha oops).

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I mean, you know your birds better than I do. If that bobbing is normal, then you could maybe wait? For my bird, that would be a red flag, as it is not typical for most. If they say nothing is wrong, I would honestly ask them what they did to determine that. I am no vet- but again, unless your other birds do that too, and it is normal for this one, I think it is worth getting it checked- again, especially given the infection of your other bird.
Here is an example of a more extreme tail bob from a sick bird- [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcnkdPOysyU"]Budgie tail bobbing - YouTube[/ame] To me (personally) your bird appears to be doing the same thing, to a lesser extent, and if it were me, I would get it checked.
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One of my birds has a more pronounced tail bob, but it's been that way since I got her about three years ago. For this bird, however, it isn't normal, so I'd like to get her checked out.

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Have you ever had the other bird checked? I guess, just make sure that the "other bird" isn't passing stuff around.
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Yes, she got a checkup shortly after I got her and was given the all-clear

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Avian. I'm lucky to have one 20 minutes from my house.

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Well actually I think he sees exotics as well but he is an avian certified vet.

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Very good- just wanted to make sure---birds can be very tricky with illness and sometimes it takes a variety of tests to detect them, so just wanted to make sure your vet specialized in birds.

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