talking question


New member
Nov 11, 2011
Blue Crowned Conure (Codex)
My blue crown conure seems to like to chatter and she also has picked up on a few words very well. She says Peekaboo, Step up, she purrs like a cat, says WHAT!? and says her name. But the problem i am having is when i say the words to her, she starts to scream. So i cant get her to say anything on queue. Is this just because she gets excited?


New member
May 27, 2011
Silver Springs, Florida
5 Green Cheek Conures; 1 Blackcapped Conure; 2 Sun Conures; 3 Cockatiel; 1 Quaker; 1 Whitecapped Pionus; 2 Peach Fronted Conures; 1 parakeet
Blue Crowns are highly intelligent birds and will pick up most of their vocabulary from what they hear around them. Alot like a quaker will do, a BC will practice words when no one is around and will only start talking when they have the sound right. maybe when you talk to your BC she is getting so excited at the new words that she has to wait and practice. BC's are excitable. I have a friend with one that will literally talk to herself for hours and if you interrupt her she will scream. Let your BC learn to talk based on what she hears around her. Instead of talking directly to her, just keep saying words you want her to learn by talking to someone or something else. I do this with my quaker. I will say things to my other birds and he will eventually start saying the same thing after he practices for a while,


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Interesting because I've always had the opposite experience with my BC and other birds. Usually they really enjoy it when you repeat things back to them. And it seems to reinforce or motivate the talking behavior.

Yes, maybe he is practicing and doesn't want to be interrupted?

Also, strangely, my Nanday and BC didn't say many of the same words, even though they lived in the same room together for 10 years, and both learned to talk from me.


New member
Feb 1, 2012
Blue Crowned Conure
Wow that is the same thing my Blue Crown does! She says "Peek-a-boo" clear as day, along with "step-up" but nothing else. I always found this wierd because she is around 5 years old, and I acquired her from someone who claimed to have had her her whole life. I thought I heard a "hello" one day, but I can't get her to say it again. I'm glad my Blue Crown isn't the only one.



New member
Dec 1, 2011
Well, in the last few months I've adopted an amazon and a Grey; both birds known for being very good talkers. My Nanday says more words than they do! I think that means I spend too much time talking to animals, lol! My amazon has said a few new things lately though. So I'm hoping both he and the Grey learn some more words. If they don't, that's ok, too, as they are sweet, cuddly birds.

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