Tell Me All You Know About Blue Headed Pionus's!


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Middlebury, VT
CAG Quincy - BD 3/27/00. Gotcha 6/00 ~ GW Macaw Savannah - BD 6/21/93. Gotcha 4/13 ~ B&G Macaw Coqui - BD 9/3/03. Gotcha 10/13 ~ Blue Crown Conure Sidney - BD Unknown Approx 5 Years Old. Gotcha 6/15/
Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. Just been busy! What else is new! LOL!

So I know of a blue headed pionus that needs a new home. About 4 hours from me. I had my heart set on an Alexandrine but this guy is just a beautiful bird and she says he is very sweet. But has a sensitive personality. Not sure what she means by this. Do any of you?

Anyway, I have 2 kids 6 & 10, a dog and 4 birds already. Just trying to figure out if this little guy would be a good match for us or not.

So tell me all you know about Pionus's! So far what I have read is they are pretty easy going, quiet and friendly.
Blanca, I can't say enough good things about my Talli! He is a fantastic bird! He can self entertain but also likes cuddles, he talks up a storm, and is as smart as he is beautiful. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with a BHP:)
He is not bothered by the rest of our flock.
He does not like change though, he really likes his schedule.

Pionus do tend to be VERY sensitive, more than any other species I have worked with. I see them most often rehomed due to fear related issues such as refusing to leave the cage, biting when you try to pick them up, fleeing from strangers, panic attacks, etc.

Think about the shyest person or animal you know. The one who automatically reacts with fear where others (especially parrots) would react with interest or indignation. A lot of that can be avoided and even undone, but that is likely what they mean by sensitive.

My girl Mel cannot live in the bird room, and she doesn't do well living in a cage. She lives cage free in the living room. She is afraid of anything new, even having her stand moved to a new part of the room. She is getting much better, but all progress with her is very slow. She is also to the point that she no longer panics when guests arrive, but she needs to be removed to the highest perch in the room, and if there are kids around she has to be on me.

She is highly food motivated, and a terrible perch potato if left to her own devices.

Moving to a new home (which we do often because of my husband's job) is difficult for her. She reacts to stress by screaming, but in general is very quiet. This was also true of Sam and Lady my two Maxis, who now live with a retired breeder in an aviary in Hawaii. They were bonded, not tame, and hated the hubbub of life inside, especially with the frequent moves.

If your house is chaotic, loud, boisterous, and dramatic, this bird may not be right for you. If your house is reasonably calm and predictable, then this bird might be perfect.

My Mel is by no means snuggle, but she is much more hands on than the majority of Alexandrines I have met, and her screams (when they happen) are not nearly as loud, piercing, or frequent as that of an Alex.

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I should also mention powder! If a cockatoo or grey would bother your sinuses, don't get a pi. I would highly suggest taking your kids to meet the bird to see how the bird reacts to them. If he is fine with them, great. If he is terrified of them, I would say he is less likely to get over that than an Alex would be.

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Thank you both! I think a Pionus might not be a good match for our family! We have quite the hectic household and change is eminent! With my kids and having my own shop, all my birds have adjusted well to my wonky schedule. I certainly don't want to add more stress to this birds life!

Thanks for the great advice though and helping me think this through!
The bird is fortunate that you think things through rather than just diving in :) I'm sure you have a great home for parrots, but we all know some homes are better fits than others for certain birds :) I ADORE Pionus and someday when we no longer move every 8-16 months, I plan to have more of them. I'm the mean time I believe we are the right home for Mel despite the changes, but we weren't for Sam and Lady. We do our best for her, but it's better to evaluate the challenges ahead of time!

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I absolutely love my BHP, Paco. I also have a tiel and a Timneh grey. Paco is in his second home with us and is 8 years old. We have had him for almost 4 years. I would agree with everything that has been said, but Paco is very laid back and not overly fearful of change or new things / people. The only time I saw him completed panicked was the first night he came to our house. He flew straight out of the carrier I brought him home in as I attempted to transfer him into his cage. When I tracked him down he was convinced he had seen his last day and rolled onto his back screaming. I felt (and still do) awful. I was fortunate to have the cage he had been in and did not change anything for over a month. He stood like a statue for a week or more and did not say a thing. I took my time, offered toys which he had had none of before and we slowly became best buds. He is great with the rest of our flock and 2 dogs. Moderate activity, not an acrobat but loves going for a walk around the house and tolerates our sometimes rowdy house with our kids and their friends. Totally food motivated and not obnoxiously noisy. He has garbled speech and loves to snuggle, take showers and eat at the table. Over time I've been pretty much able to handle him however I want. He'll roll onto his back in my hand and let's me trim his nails. He really is an easy keep and a joy in our lives. My Timneh is not sensitive at all so maybe I just have a couple of exceptions. I've had the tiel for 25 years and he's been the most challenging in terms of aggression and maintaining a close bond. I think he'd sell me for a quarter if he could.


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Paco is absolutely adorable!
"I think he would sell me for a quarter of he could"

I just died laughing! This is how Flick, my gcc, feels about me! No amount of love makes her regard me highly! My sister on the other hand can do no wrong. After years of attempting to resolve this conflict I eventually had to cave and permit my naughty fid to move in with my sister. Funny how it happened, in the end my sister moved in with ME!

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Blanca, I think the BHP are gorgeous! I don't have one, but Raven is a Bronze Winged Pi. He has moved house once since I got him, and to a new room in the house recently, so it's just like he moved again, and he took it all in stride. He doesn't seem afraid of new things, but you wouldn't call him an extrovert. He's quiet and reserved (although with a sense of humor for sure).

I have to say that he is the most stubborn and temperamental bird I've ever known. One of his nicknames is Mr. Crotchety, and he was like that even as a juvenile. He will not hesitate to bite me either.

Also, as Dani said, although Pi's aren't known for powder they are pretty powdery! Not as much as a Too, tiel, or grey, but still enough to notice that he is a lot dustier than my others. He'll shake and you'll see a thick cloud of fine dust even a day after a good bath.
I have 2 say I was surprised at the description of pionus being sensitive and fearful. From my personal experience I love them so much because they're prete porte! Ready 2 go with the flow with NO fear. My boy was rarely fearful...of ANYTHING and took well 2 strangers. My girl also is very calm, cool and collected and acts like any new situations r just status quo... She's a bit more spooky when say a bug flies by or something but I would not call them sensitive like I was say and African Grey which frets about most things (in general) I have had both bird species in my life and of all the bird species I know, I love Pionus 4 their easy adaptability, curiosity & calm & easy going nature.

That being said, every bird is an individual with it's own personality so u would want 2 get as much detail on it's personality and living issues that u can 2 see if u're a good match 4 each matter the species or individual bird. I do hope that perspective helps someone.
I love my BH Pi, but she will only come to me and when a guest comes over, she hides in her tent or flies to the floor and runs. She is very sweet, but likes things to be on her schedule. She is VERY shy. I could not see my bird fitting in with kids and other pets without freaking out.

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