Temporary Truce


New member
May 31, 2017
South Orange County, California
2 Sun Conures.

R.I.P Lily 3/1/2018 - You were my sweet baby.
The boys decided to be nice to me today. They have been jealous of the new lovebird I brought home a few weeks ago.
You guys look lovely together :)
Do you know what's better than a Sun Conure? :orange:

TWO Sun Conures! :orange: :orange:How lovely!

BTW, Do you feel comfortable with him preening your eye? I try to avoid this with Cytrynka, although she's very gently close to the eyes.
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yeah, i dont have any issues with him preening there. I've had him since he was 7 weeks old, he is 6 years old now. The son, who I had since an egg and is now 2, on the other hand isnt as gentle so I dont let him do it. 3 sun conures was a little much but I do miss my little girl.

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