Tests of trust with Ms.Leda


New member
Jan 3, 2014
I have my own ways of earning trust with the feathered ones.. its a hands on very aggressive approach that most would say will not work. Leda has always had a big fear of hands, and we make big steps each day as I take her out of her usual boundaries. Soon she will trust my hand enough to lay on her back in my palm without any support from fingers. This is HUGE leaps from where she was a few years ago. Hands are her fear, even today if a hand moves to quickly she will get spooked which is not OK in my book. I want animals in my house to be completely at ease, even if I am rage punching the wall to pieces. I want them to come running to comfort me. Not that I am like that, but that is the family of animals I hope to raise.

Leda has come leaps and bounds from her first few days which were still incredibly fast paced. Just this year with winter setting in Leda has bowed her head to allow me to help with the molting process, she even closes her little eyes and my manhood fades away! This is the first year she has trusted a Hand enough to allow help in the molting process.


Ms. Leda sitting in my hand upside down, while my pinky is providing support we bird owners all know a slight wing pop and she would be out of my hand if so desired. She sat for a little longer before nibbling me letting me know she had enough.. Each time when I turn her upside down I scratch and kiss her belly (I have always kissed and scratched her belly ever sense she was a lil feller). Each time she becomes more and more accepting of my hands and has even started preening them :p


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
Ms Leda is very pretty!!!!! What a wonderful story you've shared. Thanks for sharing such wonderful story of how you win her over by loving her. :)

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