There is gonna be a row!


Well-known member
May 8, 2017
Green cheek conure - Sydney (Syd) Hatched 2/2017
Syd can only be described as cantankerous today. I don't know what's got into him. Nothing is very different, he has food, toys including real favs, me on 24/7 call and yet today he has that glint in his eye that tells me that he is going to push the boundaries until he gets his comeuppance! (that's an English word for consequences).
He has time out at will today but not satisfied with numerous distractions he has gone all around the room seeing just what is light enough for him to toss on the floor. He has a bowl full of foot toys just for this purpose but he hasn't even looked at them. He is flying too and fro until he spies the next victim and then launches it with all his might. Now normally he is pretty obedient. If I say NO or OFF he usually turns right away. Not today. He pins that beady eye on me like a recalcitrant teenager daring me to lay down the law. I'm sure if he could slam a door it would be off its hinges!
The latest which has brought all this to a head is a china blue and white bowl. It's nearly as tall as him and he has just discovered that if he attacks it with his beak it rocks and moves just a little. I said NO. He stopped looked at me and promptly did it again. This bowl is not a new item. It is often on the side but today it appears to have a new attraction. I said OFF in a voice that I am sure he understands. Again - that look!

This day is not gonna end well at this rate. Perhaps it's time to remind him just who is in charge here! ;)

HUH! I've just finished writing it all down and what is he doing? Sitting as good as gold on my knee as if butter wouldn't melt - now he's nodding off! He thinks I'm fooled but I have a suspicion that he is really just waiting for me to pick everything off the floor for him! I tell you this isn't gonna end well!!!


Well-known member
May 8, 2017
Green cheek conure - Sydney (Syd) Hatched 2/2017
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Well as expected it got no better. He got nippy and was answering me back so I gave him a treat to go back in his cage. He settled for a while but then the crescendo increased as he demanded to once again come out. Now I don't do crescendos and he knows this only too well and after trying all ways he finally quietened down and resorted to a soft 'Baby' repeated over and over like a stuck vinyl. I let him out again and on the whole life improved. He is still a bit nippy and seems to have knocked cuddly Syd into a cocked hat with a beak - but soon it will be bedtime. Tomorrow is another day! Night night Syd see you tomorrow! I love you really.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Oh I love that little velociraptor of yours, T00t! Sounds like a classic adolescent temper tantrum to me too. God bless him, the little scoundrel! :D


Well-known member
May 8, 2017
Green cheek conure - Sydney (Syd) Hatched 2/2017
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Just as an update we got up this morning and I have a completely different feather ball. He meekly travelled from sleep cage to day cage, had his breakfast and has happily played in his cage for the last hour with hardly a sound. There is only one possible reason as I see it - he has a dual personality! Jekyl and Hyde!! :oops:


Staff member
Super Moderator
Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Oh I'm hearin' ya, T00t! My little Principessa has gone from maniacal razor-beaked psycho-killer last week to loveable fuzzy little fluff ball this week! I'm looking at her like "Who are you? And what did you do with that menace to society who lived here last week??!!"

I hope Syd has seen the error of his ways and I'm sure he realises he has a lot of making up to do, the little terrorist!


Well-known member
May 8, 2017
Green cheek conure - Sydney (Syd) Hatched 2/2017
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I just thought I would share a moment in the life of Syd and me today. It's freezing cold and wet outside - well it would be just before Christmas in this neck of the woods (UK). There is no chance of drying laundry out in the sun so the dryer comes into its own. I have an injured hip at present which has made life quite interesting. To manage I have a little stool on wheels that I use to speed from one side of the kitchen to the other. I used it to reach down to take some laundry from the washer to the separate dryer to save me from bending, turned it on and walked painfully away.
I looked around for Syd. He had disappeared or so I thought. I then heard contented chirruping and found him perched happily on my stool transfixed by the circulating drum of the dryer. I left him to his passion but after a while I suddenly thought - is he getting hypnotised? He was very chilled there perched on my little stool gazing at the dryer going round and round and round...and round...


Active member
Nov 23, 2021
Tucson, AZ
Stitch and Angel: Caiques
I just thought I would share a moment in the life of Syd and me today. It's freezing cold and wet outside - well it would be just before Christmas in this neck of the woods (UK). There is no chance of drying laundry out in the sun so the dryer comes into its own. I have an injured hip at present which has made life quite interesting. To manage I have a little stool on wheels that I use to speed from one side of the kitchen to the other. I used it to reach down to take some laundry from the washer to the separate dryer to save me from bending, turned it on and walked painfully away.
I looked around for Syd. He had disappeared or so I thought. I then heard contented chirruping and found him perched happily on my stool transfixed by the circulating drum of the dryer. I left him to his passion but after a while I suddenly thought - is he getting hypnotised? He was very chilled there perched on my little stool gazing at the dryer going round and round and round...and round...
Might as well stick some good bird thoughts in there while he is then. lol " You will not chew on the furniture" "you will not bite the humans" lol

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