To get a second Parrot or not


New member
Jan 20, 2012
I currently have a rescue U2, she is at my shop all day long and I bring her home at night and she is perfectly happy and as sweet as can be. I was considering getting a second bird to eventually be my U2's buddy. I am not sure what other parrots do well with U2s or if I should even attempt this. I remember a friend at one time having a Bronze Wing Pionus and a U2 that were inseparable. Just looking to get some opinions before doing this.
I also have a U2 and am getting ready to adopt a 25yr. old macaw. I asked Amigo's vet what she thought of me bringing in a macaw buddy for Amigo and she wasn't too high on it. The fact that these two birds originated on two different continents, means that the macaw is going to have a hard time coping with Amigo's powdery dust. I guess macaws can be prone to respiratory problems from cockatoo dander.
My honest opinion is if you have one happy bird, then you may not want to risk adding a second. Sonce you have a cockatoo you shouldn't even consider macaws or eclectus (neither handle cockatoo dust well at all), another cockatoo is almost always a dangerous situation (since most breeders don't allow cockatoos to live with some adults before leaving the cockatoos rarely accept another 'too of any type without some violent fights (not always, but why risk it?). African greys and pionus can't stand the loud cockatoo screaming and it seems to set their nerves on edge), conures shrill screeches can often get a cockatoo to start screaming. The point I am trying to make is only you know your bird, and I would find a rescue or breeder that would let you have a "trial" period to ensure that you don't wind up pulling your hair out or having one or two unhappy birds. Good luck and I'm sure you'll find a good match for you and your current FID.
I have no experience with toos, but from what I've heard, if you have a happy too, you might wanna quit while you're ahead. :
Good luck with your decision making! I know it's tough.
It sounds like she gets enough attention, but I can definitely understand wanting another bird. If you get a bird that's sensitive to the 'too's dander, make sure you get a high quality air purifier (like the $500 kind) with a HEPA filter. :)
I've been investigating air purifiers, not for the solo reason of bringing another bird into our home, although a big factor, but my husband has been getting stuffed up lately, also. Could be the 'too dust. I vacume daily, change cage paper, dust, open windows when I can. I'm hoping the purifiers make a difference.
I'm not sure what bird to suggest but try and stay with birds that are found in the same areas as toos, and that share the same habitat, and make sure you both get along with the bird. Maybe you could bring your bird to meet any potential new birds to see if they get along, but be careful of pet stores, you don't want to get your bird or any other birds sick. Good luck!!!
If you get a second parrot, what are your plans for your U2? Will she still be going to the shop? Or will they both go?

Your U2 seems happy with her daily routine.... How will getting another bird change that?

Just a few questions I would ask myself...
Another note on air purifiers, if anybody doubts them. I'm allergic to cats, but high quality air purifiers allow me to breathe around them. :)
I can't speak for 'toos, but my amazon fell head over heels in love with the new Grey. I didn't expect that at all given they are from different continents and different colors.
I recently had to re-home my sulfer crested too because the dust was killing me slowly, but he made friends with my eclectus right away when I got him. I would never trust them alone together, though.
My eclectus and my conure are best friends and they really shouldn't be.
I think it just depends on the birds.
If you want to get another bird, do it because YOU want the new bird, and not as a friend for your bird. They might never like each other and you'll have to prepare for giving each separate attention.

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