Top of Macaw Cage for walking


New member
May 3, 2012
Coqui, 9 yr old female B/G Macaw
When Coqui (9y/oB&G) comes out of her cage she goes up to the flat top. I have put some toys up there but have not put any "tray" or perches. She just walks around and grasps the cage bars and seems very comfortable doing that and playing with the toys that are secured to the bars. she then comes down and gets into the cage to get food and water or sit on her perches. anything wrong with not having perches on top?
I don't think there's anything wrong with it, no. :) If she's having a good time, and is enjoying herself, and even lets herself back into the cage, then all is good.

How tall is the cage? If you would have to pick her up and put her in, would she let you without "complaining"? If the answer is "yes", then I'd worry even less ;)
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Thanks Wendy. If I want to put her back in her cage I tap on the door (inside the door) perch and say "perch" and she comes down. I pet her and then just close the door. I suppose she could boycot the perch if she wanted to and I would not be able to reach her. thanks for your opinion.
yeah thats fine:) cooper does the same thing, and he does have a perch. he likes to climb off and onto the bars that make the top to pla with the quicklinks that the toys are hanging on:) he also walks on the bottom of his cage sometimes. im sure all birds do that at least a little
only one of the big cages has a perch on top but it's usually got a sheet over it. One thing they LOVE doing is crawling under the sheet and playing/hiding. :D
The brunt of the time they spend on top of the Zon's cage since it sits in the window, they really can't see much but the neighbor's garage though.
Rosie's old cage had a playtop with a costom cut plexiglas bolted to the cage itself. I get the feeling a macaw would destroy that though XD
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Thanks all for the help. I'm always so afraid I've overlooked somekind of safety issue.
Thank you.
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If I could only master the art of attachments I could show you!! :) ill try again

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