Truman and Michael on the news!(Video)

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New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
For those who have been keeping up with Truman's escape, everyone searching, and then him being found safe and sound, he's a debut of Michael and Truman. Michael put all the clips that involved Truman and Kili together, so there are some that repeat(you know how the news is.) but I figured I'd share it here for anyone who wants to watch it/doesn't follow him on facebook. :)

[ame=]Truman Debut on Fox Morning Show - Lost Cape Parrot Found - YouTube[/ame]

P.S the male news anchor is kind of obnoxious.. that's what happens when someone who doesn't know much about birds hears they do tricks, and then is let down when they don't sing on command, tap dance, juggle, or ride a unicycle. :20:
Sorry , not a fan of Micheal , or his motives.
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Yeah, I'm sort of figuring that out. :(
I don't watch his videos/read his lessons or anything, I only learned about them when Truman went missing.
I just thought some members would have liked the video. But I guess I was wrong. :(
I said the same thing in the other post....we agree on this henpecked!!!!! :)

I don't like him at all!!!!!
I like Michael, and respect him greatly as a trainer. That being said, I also remarked on the obnoxiousness of Mr. Kelly, the news anchor in an earlier post today. He came off like a loud mouthed, ignorant moron. Interestingly enough, I also found out today that he is the son of Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.
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Sorry to those who don't like him. I don't know anything about him so I can't say I have an opinion. Wasn't trying to step on any toes or anything by posting this. :(
I agree, BirdyMomma. The way he behaved was what really had my attention throughout the video..
Sterling, it's fine that you post....we're not all gonna like everything that's posted. I just find his ego a bit much nor do I respect him what so ever.
Oh Sterling, I love your video, especially since I missed the first part this morning. I woke up to friends texting me that Truman the parrot that I had been talking about was on the news. Truman looks great on camera too!

I am happiest, most of all, that sweet Truman was found and is safe. One thing we can all agree on, is that he is an awesome little guy, and it's great news that this story ended happily :)
I was glad to find out what happened to Truman. I don't care about his owner, I was just worried about the bird :D
I am glad he got his bird back, like Mikey and Richard, I am not a huge fan of Michael, but that is just personal preference.. Not a fan of his attitude and training.. But it sucks for any owner if they lose their bird!!

However!!!! I think it is a little unfair that so many other birds go missing yet never get any of the coverage like this...

Think about the other poor owners that lose their birds and because they aren't "famous" they don't get to spread the word on the news so people can search!

The reason Truman was found was because of the videos posted and shared everywhere, so that man knew there was a missing bird!

and that news reporter was horrible -_-

Are they seriously thinking he flew away because he is jealous of Kili ? That seems a little weird to me :p haha
Well, I don't know why you'd take him/them out without a leash. It seems to be asking for trouble in the middle of a city with unexpected noises/annoying people, etc.
Yes that is true.. Middle of a big city would have so many scary noises for a bird.. Probably just got a flight and flew away..

I really doubt he was thinking, hmm i am jealous of Kili, i am going to run away from home ;) hahaha

I have never even seen a story about a parrot on australian tv!
Thanks for sharing the story. :) It was appropriate, it's current parrot related news after all!
Remember it's just a forum for people to post their opinions. Just because a couple people said they don't like the bird's owner, doesn't mean they didn't want you to post the thread. If that were the case Mikey would have removed it instead of posting a comment ;)
I like people sharing opinions in a calm manner doesn't matter what it is. Although I don't like him but I do care that Truman was found and was safe like everyone else. :)
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Thanks for sharing the story. :) It was appropriate, it's current parrot related news after all!
Remember it's just a forum for people to post their opinions. Just because a couple people said they don't like the bird's owner, doesn't mean they didn't want you to post the thread. If that were the case Mikey would have removed it instead of posting a comment ;)

Yeah, that makes sense. Sounds silly now that I think about it, to worry that I *might* slightly upset someone with a post..
I'm just socially paranoid haha! :p I try to stay as neutral as possible so when I find out a group/majority isn't exactly partial to something I brought up I feel bad haha.
I'd hate people to see my username and be like "Oh, she's that one that (insert random innocent posting here)"
But I guess if anyone does that it says more about them than it does me, yeah? :54: You can always leave it to me to over-analyze EVERYTHING..:eek:

Tab: I agree, I laughed to myself when they reasoned that he flew away because of Kili.. I mean, I can understand they don't get along because he's jealous, but birds are jealous creatures!
And plus, they'd mentioned SEVERAL times that it was a windy day, and when he got up high it just sort of carried him..
It would be nice if all lost birds could get that amount of coverage, though. We're all bonded to our birds even if they aren't all "famous". Luckily most forums(Like here!!) are rather tightly woven and will help a member in need(given they're close in location.) I know if I saw anyone near me who'd lost their bird I wouldn't hesitate to help. I'd be heartbroken if one of my fids got away and it was just up to me and Brad to find them.. especially in a town like mine!:eek:
Hahahaha, I think the newsman was a little scared of Truman and that is why he was acting like such a (alternative word for a donkey).

Glad Truman is safe!
Although I may occasionally butt heads with some of the other members here, I agree, I do not like this owner. I am glad that Truman was found and home, but the more I see about this person, the less I like of them! And sadly, that was pointed out this weekend by a well known international trainer.

This video was the one used as a bad example of what not to do.

[ame=""]Methods for Putting Parrot Back Into Cage - YouTube[/ame]

Truman is an adult parrot. Yet, he's stressed out. He's hungry. He's reverted to baby behaviors. If you listen to the sound baby capes make, Truman was making that same noise.

[ame=""]Baby Cape Parrots - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Baby Cape Parrots aka Brown-necked parrots - YouTube[/ame]

I am so glad that Truman was found safe and healthy! Please don't get me wrong about that! However, if you are looking for a bird trainer, don't use this guy! Go with well respected trainers and behaviorists! Barbara Heidenreich, Lara Joseph, Steve Martin, Susan Friedman, Karen Pryor, Melinda Johnson, etc!
Sorry to those who don't like him. I don't know anything about him so I can't say I have an opinion. Wasn't trying to step on any toes or anything by posting this. :(

No problem, Micheal and i have "butted" heads many times in the past over parrot behavior. He has a Psychology degree and is very new to parrots.As you can see his birds are trained to be exploited for financial gain. He started calling himself the "parrot wizard" soon after getting his first bird. IMO he didn't get a parrot to be a companion pet. I think possession,tool or subject fits his situation better. I have no issues with your thread only this punk and some of his comments. BTW i do owe him a good punch in the nose and would love to give him the chance to kick my 60 yr old fanny.
OMG Monica.. Did he grab Truman by his neck? :eek: Gosh i would never do that!

You know, on facebook, a story was just listed on our news channel in Australia..

Apparently after 9 years.. This lady said she found her lorikeet..

I am all for happy endings.. But seriously.. 9 years is a VERY long time, and she thinks it is the same lorikeet? Bit unrealistic, but it could be any tame lorikeet... Didn't have leg band that identified it, she just said it plays a game she used to play with hers 9 years ago :p haha
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