UM... So my vet said..


New member
Jun 9, 2015
Bella the BFA
Umm guys.. I dont know if this is a good thing or something that will scare the poop out of Bella.

I forgot to mention that at the vet visit, the doctor seemed really happy and excited to see Bella. She got bella to step up and with both hands holding on each of her feet she kind of did a drop and spun around so that bella was flapping like crazy.

She said I can do that for exercise and also its like playing with them. My question is.. if I did that would that scare the poop out of her ? Will she like it? Also do you do that to your birds?:confused::confused::confused::confused:
I pretty much have to do that, to get the poop to fall from Gizmo's rear. And he seems to enjoy it a lot, if I don't do it, he'll flap his wings on his own. I find it good exercise, especially since he can only glide around and I need help to work on his wing muscles.
How did she handle it when the vet did it? Did the vet get bitten, or Bella seem sulky? Or did she seem to enjoy it? I've seen it done with my inlaws 'too - not brave enough to do it myself though!
My birds tend to hang themselves upside down and have a good flap.
Lol. I do that all the time with Kiwi. He LOVES it. I used to "pull him down" to initiate flapping, but now all I have to do is say in an excited voice "ready to flap buddy? GO GO GO" and he starts all on his own:D It's hilarious, he gets so into it (and it's great exercise). He likes to do a flap around the apartment before bed every night, and in the summer, I'll take him out on the deck and we'll run the the end of the deck and back, sometimes twice. He really loves his flapping time! Just a note, it did take him some time to get used to the motion. The natural inclination is to tuck their feet up when the wings flap so you might want to start low to the ground so if she starts to tip, you can let her go without hurting her feet.


(P.S. Unless Bella is recall trained or on a harness, don't flap her outside for safety reasons:)).
I would think it would have scared her to death since she didnt know and trust the vet. I have seen Gollum do this a couple times in her cage and the first two times, it scared ME to death because I thought her foot was stuck in the rope perch or something! This is good to know!!!
I swing mine all the way upside down the length of my arms, and then back up over my head. It's the only exercise they get with their wings if they aren't flying.
I would think it would have scared her to death since she didnt know and trust the vet. I have seen Gollum do this a couple times in her cage and the first two times, it scared ME to death because I thought her foot was stuck in the rope perch or something! This is good to know!!!

Aww I know scary at first until you realize. Rio did that, and then she would run around on top of her cage, flapping, and squawking. You could tell she was enjoying herself.
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How did she handle it when the vet did it? Did the vet get bitten, or Bella seem sulky? Or did she seem to enjoy it? I've seen it done with my inlaws 'too - not brave enough to do it myself though!
My birds tend to hang themselves upside down and have a good flap.

She seemed surprised cas she was falling but she was fine afterwards. She didn't bite the vet. I tried to do it at home lol I hold on her legs and did that but she seemed to want to fly away? For the first time and then I did it again couple hours later she seemed okay and after I play with her I would hug we and give her kisses and let her do her own thing on her play stand. She seemed normal
I feel like I've missed something?
Is this for birds that have been clipped and need wing exercise or something else? Pazu is fully flighted
I feel like I've missed something?
Is this for birds that have been clipped and need wing exercise or something else? Pazu is fully flighted

I do it with Kiwi for exercise because he's clipped (and when we *tried* to teach him to fly he failed to take flight). However, flighted birds may also enjoy this. Why not give Pazu a try and see what he thinks? Worst case, he hates it and you never do it again. Best case, he may love it and you've found a fun new way to interact. Kiwi absolutely LOVES this and it's a great bonding exercise.
Amy loves it..she'll hang upside down from my fingers while I rock her back and forth and she flaps her arms wildly! I also do that when she is on her "perch stick"..she mumbles in 'zon lingo and laughs hysterically.

I think its a good thing. :D

As mental as this sounds, I'll give it a go tomorrow or something. Sounds fun or frightening
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As mental as this sounds, I'll give it a go tomorrow or something. Sounds fun or frightening

hahaha ! Let me know how it goes! I do think my Bella likes it. She might have been a little shocked when the doctor did it, but when I did it to her at home she seemed happy? I would give her hugs and kisses when after I do it and put her back on the perch. and she does her own thing ahaha
As mental as this sounds, I'll give it a go tomorrow or something. Sounds fun or frightening

hahaha ! Let me know how it goes! I do think my Bella likes it. She might have been a little shocked when the doctor did it, but when I did it to her at home she seemed happy? I would give her hugs and kisses when after I do it and put her back on the perch. and she does her own thing ahaha

Glad you tried her at home and that she enjoyed it. The first few times, they don't know what to expect, but once they get used to the motion (and that they aren't being dropped/flung ect...) they start enjoying it. My parents flighted amazons can even be let go mid flap and shoot off full speed ahead (it's like a speed boost to their flight, though a bird needs to be a highly skilled flier before you try this kind of thing or you risk launching them into a wall or window;)). For now, it's a great way to play with her and (because it will inevitably happen) when she gets a feather out of place under her wing and is kind of moving her wing uncomfortably trying to get it back in place, a quick flap is often a instant remedy:)
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As mental as this sounds, I'll give it a go tomorrow or something. Sounds fun or frightening

hahaha ! Let me know how it goes! I do think my Bella likes it. She might have been a little shocked when the doctor did it, but when I did it to her at home she seemed happy? I would give her hugs and kisses when after I do it and put her back on the perch. and she does her own thing ahaha

Glad you tried her at home and that she enjoyed it. The first few times, they don't know what to expect, but once they get used to the motion (and that they aren't being dropped/flung ect...) they start enjoying it. My parents flighted amazons can even be let go mid flap and shoot off full speed ahead (it's like a speed boost to their flight, though a bird needs to be a highly skilled flier before you try this kind of thing or you risk launching them into a wall or window;)). For now, it's a great way to play with her and (because it will inevitably happen) when she gets a feather out of place under her wing and is kind of moving her wing uncomfortably trying to get it back in place, a quick flap is often a instant remedy:)

Do you think its a good idea to let her be fully flighted so I can train her how to recall? Or I can still train her to recall while she is clipped?
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So guys! I was playing with bella. Let her go fly fly ( what i tell her when i play with her) After a min she started to pant. Is that bad? and when i let her on her perch to calm down she was okay again after a few min .
Sounds like Bella got a bit winded, that's all. :) She's going to have to build up her stamina a bit. My Sam (who's flighted) will exhaust himself helicoptering around the entire downstairs sometimes, but he catches his breath rather quickly once he stays in one place long enough.

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