Update on Dominic


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
Our Dommie's been making progress lately and so I thought I'd write a bit of an update on him for you guys.

The most noticeable thing is that his tumours are shrinking almost visibly day by day. The big one is now about the size of a modest walnut and the ones at the back are barely more than small lumps about the size of the tip of my finger. Dom has lost nearly two hundred grams since he first arrived and now I'm getting a bit nervous about putting him on a maintenance diet. While I don't want him to gain any weight back, I certainly don't want him to fade away either!

The feathers on Dom's back and lower abdomen have failed to grow. I'm pretty certain he's not plucking (too busy during the days) as his 'stockings' have grown over the tops of his legs. He looks for all the world as if he's wearing pink, fluffy gaiters over his sandshoes! LOL! Now that winter's approaching, I'm getting a bit worried that Dom might feel the cold, especially following his weight loss. Soon, I think I'll see if I can get him into a sock buddy in the interest of keeping his back and tummy warm. I'll probably get shredded for my trouble, but we'll see...

I think the reason Dom has done so well is the difference in his mobility. At first, he hated coming out with the Beaks and would lift his hat up and rush at them angrily whenever they came near him. As time passed, he began to ignore them and do his own thing, clambering over the playgym and cargo net and using his long ladder (made for him by my Hunn) to get from the fridge to the playgym and back again. At first, too, the tumours were so huge and bulky, they were a real impediment to Dommie getting around. They would catch on the rungs of the ladder and his claws would get caught in them when he tried to gad about in the rummage basket. (Just recently, he managed to score an awful gash in the bottom of the larger tumour while doing just that - rummaging!)

Well, about six months ago, Dom began to take a few experimental flights. He found he was able to fly from the kitchen table up to his playgym or the top of the fridge. Once I'd realised that, I would always put Dom on the table and leave him to make his own way aloft. That meant he had to fly a few times a day and I believe that gave him a great deal of his confidence back. Once he was flying, Dom was a different bird! (Part of the reason I could never clip a bird: they rely on their wings for their whole being!) Anyway, once he was flying, Dom then found his voice (ie. on exactly the same day he flew for the first time). It was so cool to see him give his Galah yell with his hat up and wings outstretched as if he were a Major Bird! Made me cry!

As you all know, Dom has had a bit of a - um - strange relationship with me: he hates me like poison! At first, he would come running with hat fully deployed and beak wide open in an attempt to bite me. I spent lots of time just sitting by the table while he was there, sucking up to my husband (smarmy bugger) and fed him treats whenever I could. Eventually, greed won out and Dom learned that if he didn't bite me, he got treats. He still bites me, usually when I least expect it. Today, for example, he was clearly wanting to fly down from his fridge, but wouldn't take off. I reached up for him and he stepped down onto my arm. Looking around, I tried to guess where he wanted to go, but for lack of any indication, I just moved to set him down on the table. He went all right, but he happened to take a beakful of my forearm with him! Yowch! I think Dom will always bite women, maybe because his Bad Years were spent with my Mum taking care of him or maybe because he just wants to vent his spleen on someone and I fit his notion of a villain. Dunno. Dom still hates my daughter wildly and actively gallops after her if she happens to pass by. Poor Ellie has a dreadful fear of Dom getting down on the floor and herself being unable to find a chair to jump on. I have to admit, I wouldn't want to be her under those circumstances: he'd eat her to bits!!!

Today was an interesting one. Usually, I'll get my morning muesli and pick out a peanut each for the Beaks and a sprinkle of rolled oats for Dommie to peck at. This morning, I had my back to the fridge, where Dom was sitting, waiting, tapping his beak and poured muesli into my plate. Next thing, there was a squawk and a great flurry of wings and Dom arrived upon my unsuspecting head, firmly knotting his toes into my hair! Highly aware of his tendency to reach and bite from that vantage point, I bellowed for Matthew (my son) to come and save me. Which he did. Whew! Dom had his muesli, I had mine, the Beakies got their peanuts and all was well...

Until later in the afternoon, my Sister and Niece arrived with my baby Great Nephew, Jacob. As my Niece came into the room, Dom took off from his fridge and flew to land on the top of Jake's head. Only that Tease (Niece) turned around, heaven knows what might have happened! She (Tease) got bitten as my son removed Dommie from her head, but the baby was all eyes, reaching out for the nice pink birdy! LOLOLOL!

Speaking of 'nice pinkness', Dommie isn't nice and pink. His pink feathers are all very worn and frayed at the edges, giving him a scalloped appearance on his front. His grey feathers are in rather better condition, but he's in the middle of moulting and they're all different lengths. He has a crop of miserable pins on the top of his head and they drive him crazy as he tries to scratch at them. He'll let me have a go at them very occasionally, but I have to put up with a few nasty bites in the process as, if I hit a pin at the wrong angle, it hurts him dreadfully, so I get to be his Nipping Girl. I hope he moults out the ugly old feathers and gradually grows a nice new set: he deserves a new suit, after all he's been through. :)


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
He sure sounds like a handful! I bet he'll get better with time though. How long have you had him? And what kind of tumors did the poor guy have? I think he's gaining back some of his freedoms and testing you. Now is the right time to set his boundaries and establish a good line of communication with him. You're poor niece though :( He couldn't even be nice to a lady with a new baby. What a rude bird:20: (How'd she like that a baby bag BTW?).

With the exception of arial attacks, since he can't fly, those are the kinds of things Kiwi use to do to me when we got him (chase me all over, tempt me to pick him up with "sweet eyes" and promptly remove chunks of flesh, invade and dominate my plate at the table....). He finally came around when he finally realized he didn't frighten me and I wasn't going to pushed around by a creature smaller than a football. When he bit out of sheer viciousness, I would calmly clean my wound and proceed to do 15 minutes of step-up drills with the glove on with him. He also got to do step-up drills on the stick when he chased me across the floor.

He was a very naughty boy in the beginning, but he was not allowed to misbehave and "rule" my roost. When he was being good and sweet, he got continuous praise and reinforcement so he learned what the definition of good behavior was in our home and what good things being a good boy brought. We also watched HIS body language carefully and learned he was telling us what he wanted, we just had to pay attention and reward him for using nice forms of communication (like raising his foot to go home/potty or pointing himself in the direction of his perch and shaking his wings means he wants to go to his perch). I used a lot of verbal cues with him too so I could communicate and he learned pretty quickly to quiet on down if said "time out" or cease and desist chewing something if I said "no, mine!" or to come out if he got under the couch or bed if I said "get out". I used an egg timer with him too, and he learned the sound of that meant step up drills or quiet compose himself time (time out) was over. Actually, you know that show "super nanny"? Ya, a lot of Kiwi's training I got from that show:p and modified for using with him because "bad" birds are so very much like a naughty little kid and learn in much the same ways (just need simpler means of communication). He has A LOT more leniency to do his own thing now because he doesn't act like a feral monster anymore and we outlined ways of him to communicate his needs and desires beyond biting and screeching. Hopefully Dominic just needs some structure and a clear picture of what his flocks rules and boundaries are.
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Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
I am so thrilled to hear how much his tumors have shrunk---he must feel so much better now:)
Dommie sure does deserve a beautiful set of feathers, and I am sure he will eventually get them (hopefully this moult!).
You have made so much difference in his life, Trish:)


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Trish it's so wonderful to hear Dommie's tumors are shrinking!!!! It's like he's a whole new bird!! Flying! Shrieking! Paper shredding!

So glad he's loving life :)


Active member
Oct 15, 2013
Lehigh Valley, PA
BE2 (Ivory), B&G Macaw (Max), Budgie Group,
Granbirds- tiels; GCC (Monkey & Monster); Sun Conure (Loki); Bare Eyed Too (Folger); Evil Green Monster YNA (Kelly); B&G (Titan)
You make me think there might actually be help for Folger :)

I love reading stories like Dommie's! Think there is a special place for all us crazy too families that welcome the 'problem' rehomes into our lives!

It is wonderful to hear Dommie is flying and acting like a too. And really wonderful his tumors are still shrinking, way to go Dom!!! ... and mom :)

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