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Feb 1, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
I just thought I'd let you know that I'm screwed for life.

I have a Biology final tomorrow and i was studying for a bit and then my friend called and we got into an in depth discussion about whether or not 12 shots of vodka would make us pass out worthy. We voted on yes but whatever. Then i got all side tracked and decided to watch Broke Back Mountain (yay for Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger... aside from the whole gay plot in the movie) and then i got sick of it after like watching half and decided to go on msn and yea now it's past 11 pm and i feel like going for a jog but im paranoid a bear or a cougar will eat me... even though ive seen billions of bears before and nothings happened. And ya. Btw i was at like 80% at the beginning of the in Bio, now im down to below passing because im lazy and dont do homework.... and the english teacher was ruining my life with so much homework and i dont do more than subject of homework a night because that how i am. Ya....... and the guidance counselor randomly told me i should be a carpenter or a trade because i'll never succeed in a science career if im getting a low mark in biology and chemistry in high school and that im a failure at school. Yay me. Btw its not that i dont know the stuff its that i don't do homework. I think homework should be banned aside from maybe studying and doing stuff at home if you WANT to. Anyway ya. Ive ranted enough. I hope you liked my misleading title and tomorrow before my exam i plan on telling the guidance dude that his clothes are weird because hes self conscious like that(don't ask me how i know that.) And why must he keep annoying me why does he go bother someone else i don't care about his advice i don't care what courses he think i should take. It's not like my parents beat me at home and i need therapy... even though hes not that kind of counselor just randomly thought I'd say that.

3 more exams until last senior year w00000000000000000t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Auggie's Dad

Dec 28, 2007
South Hadley MA
Auggie: Dusky Conure
You know the saying: you made your bed...

Sounds like you are facing the consequences of your own decisions - tough luck :p

But as for this:
the guidance counselor randomly told me i should be a carpenter or a trade because i'll never succeed in a science career if im getting a low mark in biology and chemistry in high school and that im a failure at school.

It's a good thing I wasn't there cause I would have ended up in jail for beating the crap out of that guy. What an idiot - he is exactly what's wrong with our education system. I bet he got high marks in high school, but then never succeeded in any of the things he wanted to do, so he became a high school guidance counselor.

I damn near flunked out of every high school class I ever took, but once I figured out what I wanted to do I got straight A's in college, was the guy everyone went to for help, got an awesome fellowship paying for grad school and am on my way to a PhD.

Your guidance counselor is the worthless one, and he should not be allowed to keep his job. You, sure, you've made choices which have consequences - learn from them. But realize that your grades in high school science classes could not possibly have LESS of an impact on your future career prospects.

Go meet some ACTUAL successful scientists and listen to their stories from high school - I know very few who did well in HS, most of us just barely squeaked by. So do you really want to take seriously the advice of your guidance counselor? If you want to grow up to be a high school guidance counselor then you should. If you want to be a scientist then take guidance from scientists, not that jerk.

I'd encourage you to pass a message on to him for me, but it would likely get you in trouble... I take education seriously and work with many of our high schools in the area. I see that there is a lot wrong with our education system, yet there is also a lot of hope from some good teachers who really try to make a difference; it is no lie nor exaggeration to say that that guidance counselor's attitude is the core of all the problems.

Sure, you're in Canada, not the US, but as far as I've seen the school systems are quite comparable.


New member
May 19, 2009
the GUIDANCE COUNCENLOR told you that? HE's the one that needs a guidance counselor or a psychiatrist. Tell the principal or something. If someone told me that they'd be really sorry... and have a lot of bruises.
That really motivates someone... What an @**!
All that does is make kids do worse. That guy deserves to lose his job and money. I believe you have all the right to say whatever to him - back. Do it.


New member
Feb 1, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
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Yea.... the American education system and the Canadian system is a little different... but yea not a whole lot. The academics are little higher in most parts of Canada and the way it works is sightly different but as far as teachers its the same pretty much.

At my old school in grade 8, i skipped almost every class, and just barely passed all my courses. I switched schools well for a couple reasons. Mostly because of the academics and better teachers. My old school focused mainly on theatre and arts. It's a great school if you don't really care about the academics and your interested in a career in drama or art, other wise its pretty crappy. They make you take all these pointless art courses and choir courses and junk. Anyway i switched to this school in grade 9 to get away from drama(wont get into that right now), and for a fresh start. It has been really good for the most part here. The Guidance counselor is one who really irritates me at times. Pretty everyone hates him, and he pretty much only likes those who are apart of the school hockey academy which he is the coach for. I've talked to a few people who he's either made people almost cry, or cry. I'm not going to lie I've walked away from a couple times questioning my future and on the verge of crying. It's people like him though that often make you work harder to the thing they say you cant do though. Like my science 10 teacher last year said we should all go into earth science(the dumb science) and i took chemistry(i was going to take physics but he teaches it and didnt want him for a teacher again) and biology. I have gone up to him a few times and told him i was passing both courses just fine. And hes been proud but still lol its just so annoying how teachers label people. Like i have ADD and they wanted me to go into Math essential(the dumb math) because i used to skip class and never do my homework. I took the highest math and i am getting a high mark. I don't know there are a few people who i know who actually listen to him and could be doing so much better without but since they've gone down the path of remedial classes they cant turn back now. I wish they just wouldn't give advice unless we asked. They always say they wont chase us down to tell us what we're doing right or wrong, but that's exactly what they're doing. They have too much time their hands. I'm just really annoyed with my teachers this year, like my accounting teacher keeps bugging me to write a test which i've already done but she lost. The rule is if you lose a test you have to give 100% on the test. So wtf she's just a dumb ass.

But anyway, the biology test was really easy, and i think i did pretty well on it. We'll wait and see though.

And i do want to be a biologist haven't really completely decided what specifically i want to study, but i will see.


New member
May 19, 2009
I had finals last week.
So far all I know is I got an A on math and Spanish... didn't get anything else back yet... I'm praying...

I have a teacher like yours( the one who only likes the kids form hockey)... only she hates every kid that's not in her homeroom... she rarely smiles in class - I used to like her a lot but since I've lost 99% of my respect to her.


New member
Feb 1, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
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k well i have to get ready in an hour for my chemistry exam which im probably going to fail but oh well.
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New member
May 19, 2009
Good Luck...
I'm finished with finals, happily. Now i have to do extra projects and learn MORE math though all the grades are already in...

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