What am I? And What to Do?


New member
Mar 22, 2014
Seamus -GCC
So I'm pretty sure this guy is a Green Cheek, but my knowledge on the smaller parrot species is pretty sparse. Anyways, my boss texted me this picture explaining that this little Booger flew up to some kids at a playground and was very friendly, but obviously lost. He's at the vet right now, regaining some strength back. He was pretty dehydrated, hungry, and dirty. And he's available.

So my problem is... I am on the hunt for a parrot companion, but I was planning on a Cockatoo or African Grey. I've interacted often with both species and they both have qualities that I enjoy in birds... even if they are opposite ends of the spectrum. Plus they're a bit on the bigger side. Regardless... it's a bird in distress. And I want to help... but I feel like I'd be going against my research and own desires. Plus I know nothing about Conure personalities, if that's what he is. So... someone talk some sense into me. I don't think I could be a two bird household either (I would, if not for...)... my other half... he hates birds (deal breaker, I know, I'm working on it). And he's none to pleased about welcoming one back into the family. But I keep telling him that until he puts a ring on it, he doesn't have control over some decisions in my life (especially when it comes to my birdy passions). End that Rant.

What was I saying? I guess I'm just looking for some insight. Thoughts. Advice. Information. Anything helpful. Maybe talk me off the ledge.

Thanks in advance!

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Active member
Oct 15, 2013
Lehigh Valley, PA
BE2 (Ivory), B&G Macaw (Max), Budgie Group,
Granbirds- tiels; GCC (Monkey & Monster); Sun Conure (Loki); Bare Eyed Too (Folger); Evil Green Monster YNA (Kelly); B&G (Titan)
He looks like our Monster bird! A turquoise green cheek is my choice.

Conures are awesome little birds, but nothing like a too or grey. They are active and funny guys, but if I had to compare I'd say more like tiny macaws.... huge personalities and usually quite affectionate, tho our turquoise GCC is a bit more hang out and watch kinda guy, he loves to interact and does like a snuggle now and again, but if you like the velcro personality of the too, you might be disappointed in a GCC.

I adore the GCCs, joke they were who/what converted me to a bird lover!! The best thing you can do is meet him in person, you and him will both know pretty quick if he is your new best friend for life! Don't let size be a deciding factor, there is ALOT of bird in that little body :)

But, only you can decide if he's right for you! Even if you don't adopt him, you are on here, post his info and pic under the adoptions section and help to find him the right home!


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
Meet him and see how it goes. I was looking at cockatoos, African grays and a macaw but kept walking away. I took buddy, his owners passed and he needed a home. He's a Red Crowned Amazon, I never looked at them but Buddy and I are extremely happy. My husband doesn't have bird experience but he's trying and he has a routine going in the mornings with Buddy, they both start making strange sounds at each other. It's comical.

I say meet him, and a marriage should not impact a passion, unless it's unhealthy, there's compromise. My husband loves football so much, he's counting down the days till it begins, then I don't see him much. I hate football, but he loves it and I like seeing him happy. Good luck!


New member
Mar 5, 2014
outside Cincinnati, OH
Tater Tot - DYH Amazon
Kiwi - Orange-winged Amazon
Biscuit - Young-ish cockatiel
You can also check parrotalert.com to see if anyone in your area of the country is missing such a bird!


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
I absolutely love my conures. They're very much big birds in little bodies- and that goes for affection, appetites, and hormones!! :D
My girl Kiwi is my best friend, my daily stress relief, and a very strong staple which hold my sanity in place. Loki and I share a love/hate bond, he isn't fond of me because he LOVES Kiwi, and she loves me, not him.. but we have a bond none-the-less. He's more partial to my boyfriend though, he's a joy to have in his own special way.
I found myself searching for a larger bird, with more of a "big bird" personality, and after we rescued my Eclectus, I realized that even though I absolutely love him for who he is and wouldn't trade him for the world, Kiwi is just as loving and playful as any bird I could hope to find!
I'm a medium-large bird person, honestly, but Kiwi is all of that all wrapped up in a neat little package. (Just don't try to put a bow on that package- it'll be in shreds!!)
Sorry if I sound sort of biased toward conures :54: but for the right person, they're really fantastic birds. I'm sure after you meet him(If you do!) you'll be able to decide if he's the bird you want, especially since you mentioned you aren't really in a position to be a "two-bird" household. I'm sure you'll make the right choice. :)


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Turquoise GCC - Fiji - Hatch Date: 8/14/12 and Yellow Sided GCC - Sundance - Hatch Date: 4/12/13
My husband didn't want us to get any birds, no less TWO birds. But then we got Fiji, and he fell in love! Now we have 2 little conures, and our family is complete. Hubby loves both birds, and they ride around on his shoulders when he is home. They even do Zumba with him, holding on for dear life, when he puts the DVD in! I hope your b/f gives your future bird a chance. We are empty nesters (no pun intended, lol) and these little birds have added so much enjoyment to our lives!

That little GCC is adorable! I think you should go and see him. A smaller bird might make it easier for the b/f to accept him. Good luck with your decision, keep us posted!


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
How about considering a Poicephalus? They're such great little birds in so many ways. Not too little, very cuddly if socialized young, but also a very independent parrot. Oh, and for what it's worth, extremely soft feathers. :)


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Mar 22, 2014
Seamus -GCC
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Thank you all so much!

After thinking it through in the morning and talking to the other half (who was surprisingly willing, maybe it was a sign?) I went out to meet him and get some more information on his story.

First off, it sounds like from what I was told that an older gentleman had a collection of birds and then he passed away. And rumor has it that whoever was in charge of his belongings after that let his birds go... Ugh. So if this little man happens to be one of those birds, then I doubt someone is going to claim him. But if someone does (but the vet didn't think someone was coming)... then I'll be sad. Because I took him HOME!

It was indeed love at first site. :) He has the sweetest little chirp that sounds like a quiet quack (we'll see if he has a louder noise once he gets settled in ;), he's definitely a cuddle bug (loves my hair) and super friendly, and loves he's head scratches! Right now he's in a cage that I'm borrowing from the Zoo I work at, because after driving around like a mad person I just couldn't find any that I liked... but since I'm borrowing a cage, I used my money on other resources like toys and food! Now... to begin my research on all things Conures! Good thing I have experience in all other birds except this one. :p


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
Congrats :) you'll do great with a GCC considering your bird experience. Can't wait to hear updates!


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
Congratulations!!!! Now the fun begins and I'm positive he'll make you smile every day.


Active member
Oct 15, 2013
Lehigh Valley, PA
BE2 (Ivory), B&G Macaw (Max), Budgie Group,
Granbirds- tiels; GCC (Monkey & Monster); Sun Conure (Loki); Bare Eyed Too (Folger); Evil Green Monster YNA (Kelly); B&G (Titan)
Congrats on the decision!!! Some conures do make gargly grumbly almost croaky noises, very very cute!!

Pics when you can, we all want to see the new baby. Pick a name yet or did I miss that? How did the boyfriend respond to him? I tell everyone green cheeks are the ones that turned me! I never understood my daughter's love of birds, then a little pineapple green cheek came into our lives.

I cannot believe someone let pet birds loose.... is it just me or do some people just need to be smacked in the back of the head?? Am I still allowed to say that as a mod??? Hey, I was offered a hammer!!

I am so happy you are giving this little guy a chance at a happy home and lots of love! Can't wait to hear the updates, tho he sounds like he just settled right in and knew he was home!


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
Congratulations, what a wonderful story. Looking forward to updates.


New member
Mar 22, 2014
Seamus -GCC
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The official name after much name throwing at him until one felt right is: Seamus, pronounced with a Sh at the beginning. Seamus McCloud of the Clan Furnivall, as the boyfriend would say. Haha. And the boyfriend is definitely in love with the little guy. Walking around everywhere with him and whatnot. :) So all is well in this household. Yay!
Now... to find the perfect cage!

Oh and here is a picture of me and the little guy!


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Turquoise GCC - Fiji - Hatch Date: 8/14/12 and Yellow Sided GCC - Sundance - Hatch Date: 4/12/13
Yay, i'm so happy for you!!!! I can't wait to see more pics of your new baby. You are going to LOVE conures! I, too, love the quacking sound they make, and the sounds they make when trying to talk.

I bet your b/f is going to be wrapped around the birdy's little wing in no time! That's what happened at my house, lol.



Active member
Oct 15, 2013
Lehigh Valley, PA
BE2 (Ivory), B&G Macaw (Max), Budgie Group,
Granbirds- tiels; GCC (Monkey & Monster); Sun Conure (Loki); Bare Eyed Too (Folger); Evil Green Monster YNA (Kelly); B&G (Titan)
Oh I'm wrong, he's not a turquoise... the red on the underside...

But he is one handsome man!! Oh the boyfriend fell that quick, too funny! You'll be a two bird home in no time :) and then just one more... and then there was this other one that needed a home.... that's how it goes, somehow we are at 10, no clue where they all came from!


New member
Mar 22, 2014
Seamus -GCC
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I eagerly look forward to that day. I've always had aspirations to be a crazy bird lady. :)


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
Oh I'm wrong, he's not a turquoise... the red on the underside...

But he is one handsome man!! Oh the boyfriend fell that quick, too funny! You'll be a two bird home in no time :) and then just one more... and then there was this other one that needed a home.... that's how it goes, somehow we are at 10, no clue where they all came from!

I'll second that- it just takes the right bird to make someone's heart turn to mush!!
Brad *Hated* birds before meeting Kiwi. His mom used to have a Goffin's 'too that was severely bonded to her, and would dive-bomb Brad and bite the back of his head!! :eek::eek:
Buuut.. after some quality time with Kiwi, we're now a 3 bird home, and we're expecting a fourth some time this summer. :rolleyes: He'll still tell anyone and everybody that he hates birds, and when they say "But you have 3 of them.." he just makes a face and says "Yeah, well those are good birds. I love MY birds. Just not anyone else's." it's pretty silly. :D


New member
Jun 17, 2012
United States of America/ Kansas
Captain Jack (Hahn's macaw)

Clover (green cheek conure)
Congratulations, on the new feathered friend. Green cheek conures (and other conure species) have a very parrot like personality. The first parrot acting bird I had was a green cheek conure. I have a mini macaw named Captain Jack who I think is the greatest. Part of me thinks about getting a green cheek conure (but Captain Jack loves a lot of attention).


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
Hahn's macaw, RIP George, Jenday Conure
Is there anything on his leg band to help ID him? If not, have your vet take it off. Too many stories about them getting caught on things and hurting the bird.

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