What am I doing wrong


New member
Sep 30, 2013
African grey
Green cheek conure
I've had my green cheeks for over a month now. I get my bird out everyday she comes out her cage fine now, but I can't do anything with her if I try and pet her she bites, she will sit on my hand but she constantly tries to get to my head then when I stop her or get her down she bites and holds on. it's just a constant struggle and I get bite loads whilst she is out. I've tried clicker and target training she will do it when it suits her but still she will chase my hand to bite me. she was hand reared and only fourteen weeks when I brought her??
Please help I don't know what to do with her :green1:
Maybe just try letting opening her cage.let her come out on her own,and just sit next to her and talk or read to her. Maybe she is still trying to get comfortable with you and is not ready just yet for you to hold her. Just give it a little more time. She will come around :)
it sounds like a conure I use to have. conures are extremely smart, and catch on quickly, and will run the show very quickly.

start over--entirely. don't let her out, until you start training her not to bite, and show respect. being let out of the cage must be earned, and is a privilege.don't feel badly for her if she's in there for a few days. stop trying to pat her, she is telling you she doesn't like it.

training takes time and patience.

I am not great at training, but seem to do ok with my birds. I'm sure other members on here will have some better advice.
Just a thought, my 15 week GCC is what a lot of people would call "nippy" but I have observed him and realized that he is actually just preening me while I scritch him. His "nips" don't hurt at all, and he is fluffed up, eyes rolling with pleasure while he gets cuddles and he is just giving them back. Is there a chance that your bird is doing this also? When I hit a feather he doesn't like, he gives a little squack and turns as if to bite and then pulls away. I try to imitate this with him when his beak gets too firm, and it seems to have worked great.
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Thank u all for your help, I'm pretty sure she's not preening or anything she has drawn blood and bruises nearly every time. I have an open top cage which I open but she won't stay there she flys to the floor and runs over and climbs up my leg??
Yep, that is NOT the same! Figured it was worth a shot though. Sorry I don't have any other ideas.
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Thank u for ur help :) I just don't know what to do with her I dread letting her out
don't worry, other people will be a long before the day is over and will give you great advice!
About dreading letting her out...she is probably picking up on that! Rio would bite me if I was angry or stressed. So starting over may be the best thing. Positive interactions while she is in the cage (walk by and say hi....give a treat ...target training in the cage). Then move to letting her get out on her own. Have you tried stick training her? Make sure the stick doesn't scare her first! By getting her stick trained you can have less fear of the biting, get some positive interaction in, and gradually move your hand closer on the stick.

I agree that she isn't ready for petting. Allow her to just be with you and show her your hands are not evil. Give her bits of her favorite food when she comes near. When I first got Rio she walked around on the back of the couch and over the period of two weeks, got closer to me. When she moved closer, she got a safflower seed. Before long, she wanted to be close to me and started preening me ( I was okay with her on my head, she would hop off). Once she accepts food from your fingers, put a safflower seed on the middle of your hand and keep your hand still... Working in steps until you can move your hand up a little, then more, then move with her around.

Move slowly! It is hard to remember they are more wild than "tamed" and we need to earn their trust, they don't give it freely! Reward desired behavior and don't give up...they are worth it!

Good luck!
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thank u for your help, I have stick trained her sort of she will do it when it suits her but not when she is somewhere he doesn't want to come away from like my head. I guess u just felt disheartened after reading how they bond and she seems to hate me lol
How old is your conure? I mean I know you've had it for a month but is it a year old?

My gc when he reached a year would charge at me and bite my lip and would get angry if I tried to pet him. They said it was just a "phase" kind of like a "teenage phase".

I hope she gets better though! they are really sweet birds.

Oh and about the head part, my Pocky does the exact same thing. He'll grab onto my hair and will let go when it suits him.:greenyellow:
Dumb question, but is she getting enough sleep? My bird is evil when she's tired, and is quick to anger and biting as you describe (holding on and drawing blood). So in addition to the other advice, make sure she's getting a solid 10 hours of dark sleep, maybe even 12. I keep my cage out of the living room, and in a separate bedroom with the door closed at night so that we disturb them as little as possible between 930 pm (give or take an hour) and whenever they wake up on their own.

I do agree with starting over and starting slow. Let her come out on her own, and interact with her on a perch. My birds do not care for petting most of the time, so I no longer try unless they ask (once in a blue moon). Any attempt gets me a little screech and an open beak coming for my finger (usually just an empty threat). Sometimes going in for a kiss is risky, too! My husband and I have both ended up with cold sore-like wounds on our lips.

However, she will ride around on us for hours, happy as a clam.

In short, let her do what she wants and allow her to set her limits. Test her limits very slowly and gradually.

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