What are youre thoughts?


New member
May 18, 2013
Hello! While I am not new at keeping large parrots but I am new to the macaw species. I recently bought a pair of B&G macaws, they are sexed and bonded but have never laid eggs as they are just 4 years old. I am housing them in an outdoor aviary about 6m long 3m wide and 3m tall. About two weeks ago besides their mutual preening behavior and the male feeding the female they have been copulating regularly, when they started this behavior the copulation was somewhat fast and with no noises made by the pair but now they seem to be having longer sesions with some of them being quite loud. They have been coming in and out of the nest regularly spending more time in it each time, but the male seems to be the most interested to be in the nest than the female but he is almost always followed by her into the nest. What do you think? Should I be expecting eggs anytime soon? Or is this behavior normal in young macaws even though they are not able to produce eggs? Form youre experience what behavior or changes have you noticed in your birds before they laid eggs? For example my yellow bibbed lories just before laying eggs I will notice some slight feather plucking in the chest by the female? Thanks!


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Welcome to the forum. :)

Your pair is still quite young AND inexperienced. They may very well be trying to "do their thing but please don't expect the first clutch to be successful. IF your hen lays, a number of things could go wrong. They may not get it right until they're a bit older.

It sounds like you have a GREAT setup for them, and the behavior you describe sure sounds quite promising :)

Best of luck with your pair of B&G's.

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