What bird should I get?


New member
Feb 2, 2015
none, though I hope to have some in future
Hello! I'm a new member looking to get a "first" bird (I've volunteered with some smaller raptors in the past- but no parrots).

I would like a bird that is:
-Not cuddly/clingy
-I would prefer it not to be completely hormonal, but I could deal with it if it was
-Capable of making sounds/impersonating noises or people/words
-Loose bonding/not a one person bird
-Not a screaming bird (by that I mean LOUD, I can deal with some semi-loud noise in the morning/evening)
-Good w/ other pets/kids
-Good w/ family members who are jumpy/playful
-Not overly sensitive
-Able to harness train
-Not too small (medium to large size)
-Not an African Grey or Cockatoo (I would hate to have cockatoos, and while I do love the Grey's charm it is too environmentally sensitive)

I think that an Eclectus would be a good choice, but you have to remember that they have special dietary needs due to their long digestive tracks.

It's a 50/50 on how well your bird and other pets socialize. It solely depends on how well they are with other animals, their activity levels, and aggressiveness.
It's also really important to get them accustomed to new people and new things over time to help with their socialization and prevent one-person bonding. Theres always a chance that someone will be picked as his/her favorite. Eclectus's are known to be a family friendly bird but I'd recommend that even if your family members are naturally jumpy or easily excited should be calm when approaching or handling a parrot because they can bite in defense.
I'd say Ringnecks fit your wish list, aside from being loud. Shiko is exceptionally loud, haha.
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Hmm I will try ringnecks.

I don't mind green cheek conures, and I feel like they could be trained to not be as clingy?
That will depend on the bird's personality, training will make little difference. A GCC is a wonderful first bird, but they are named such because they have big personalities and typically love to interact and cuddle. A well adjusted conure is typically active, energetic and affectionate, although they are quiet. Joyce, my conure, is like a puppy with feathers, basically.

In my opinion, a green cheek would not suit your interests. Have you researched a pionus? They are sometimes noted for their more independent personality, but keep in mind that parrots are social creatures as a general rule
All birds can be clingy, but I agree with what others have said -- alexandrine parrots are a good choice. There's one at the bird rescue where I volunteer who says "hello" and "hi" a lot, and always steps up for me. He even gives me kisses!
This would be interesting...


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I've only had my green cheek fo 3 months, but I wanted one becaue they are typically closer to their people. Which is great, I have family with allergies to cats, dogs and rodents, so he fits nicely, but he is exactly the reason I wanted a GCC, he's here for cuddles and people (though I swear he likes people he's only just met better than my boyfriend and I).
I mean besides when we leave the room with him in his cage (he calls out very very loudly then) and the morning and night chirpung, he's basically silent when he's with us.

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