What is 'Pepper Wood'? Translation issues


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May 24, 2018
Cairo the Ekkie!
I currently live in Asia where part of the region uses what I would describe as the Chinese equivalent of Amazon. My Chinese is terrible, but Google Translate helps a little :p

I've been searching for good wood products - I can buy some java locally, but looking for a variety of shape/texture (with the exception of java stands, the local style most popular goes for more aesthetics of a dowel than the health benefits of variety).

Found products like the one photo I've attached. It's described as 花椒木, or literally 'Pepper Wood.' Any idea what might be its proper English name? It looks quite bumpy, but I'd like to be able to research more on it (Safe for parrots? Too rough on the feet? Etc).


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Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
I just saw this post, and I've seen Pepper Wood perches before too (they're ugly, lol)...There are actually several different trees/shrubs that are called "Pepper Wood" or "Wild Pepper Tree/Wood", and the Prickly Ash is only one type of them...if these perches are coming from China/Asia, then it's most-likely a different one...

If you Google Search "Wild Pepper Wood", you'll get many different results for a dozen different types of trees and shrubs, but it's hard to relate any of them to those perches, as they are definitely an Asian thing...They sell them on places like "Alibaba" and "Aliexpress", and they give no description about where they come from except that they are "all-natural wood" and "natural branches"...I don't read any Asian languages, so I couldn't read many of the places that had photos of the Pepper Wood perches, so if you do a search you may be able to find out exactly where they are coming from, as far as the exact species of tree...but I think that "Pepper Wood" is the proper name for whatever tree/shrub you're talking about, as there are many of them called such...

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