What's going on with Buddy?


New member
Oct 14, 2012
My first bird was a parakeet named Buddy (passed away November 8, 2012). My newest friend is a parakeet named Chipper.
I'm kind of worried about my parakeet, Buddy right now. I've noticed that since about Thursday, his droppings are kind of watery. It seemed then like some of his droppings looked soft, and today they were very watery. In fact, one of them looked clear, almost like water, with part of it being white. Some of his droppings are normal and coiled, but I'm worried that something might be going on.

He was sneezing a little earlier, on Friday and yesterday. And his nose was running a little bit. Not constantly, just right after he sneezed. He had a clear, thin discharge. But his nose doesn't look like it's clogged or infected or anything. His nostrils look clear. I don't think he has sneezed today.

He doesn't seem to be quite as active as usual though. He does still play with his toys sometimes and he does chirp, and he is eating and drinking. But usually, he would really go nuts playing with his toy ball. And for the past couple of days, he's just not quite as active.

His eyes look clear, and he seems to be perching fine. Also, his tail feathers look like they're growing back really fast after his run-in with my mom's cat.

I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow. But does anyone have any idea what might be going on? Is it normal for a bird's droppings to get watery like this sometimes? I'm also a bit concerned because of the sneezing earlier. Could something be wrong with Buddy? :confused:

I hope the vet will say he's okay. I love this little bird.
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So so sorry buddy is sick . Sneezing is a sign of sickness, the only way watery droppinga re aloud is if they ate fruit. Till buddy goes to the vet put him in the warmest part of the house, and give him lots of millet so it will give him some energy and don't take him out. Hope buddy gets better
I Agree, keep him warm and take him to the vet. Give him plenty of fluids, i use "pedialite" from the baby food section at the grocery store.
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He was just eating right now. And he was playing a lot with one of the toys hanging in his cage and chirping a few minutes ago. He also has a toy ball that he likes to roll around. He hopped down and started pushing it around and making chirping and chattering noises. So at least he does have an appetite and still has energy. If he is sick, I hope I caught it early.

But yeah, definitely, I'm going to take him to the vet first thing tomorrow.

Can I take him out of the cage to pet him? Or would it be better if I just left him alone?
I don't know about that but you caught it early , birds hide illnesses really well so you are a good parront to recognize the illness.
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I took Buddy to the vet this afternoon, and he IS sick. The vet said he has an upper respiratory infection. He gave him a shot of antibiotics, and he has to have one every day for the next several days. There is no way I'm going to do it myself, so I'm just going to bring him back to the vet and have them do it. The doctor wants to seem him again tomorrow anyway. Buddy is going to be mad at me when this is all over, but I have no choice. And neither does he.

The vet said for me to keep him warm. I got a lamp to clamp on his cage, with a 60 watt light bulb. He actually seems to like the light. He perked up and started eating a lot and playing with his toys.

I'm so glad I had done so much reading and research when I first got Buddy. If I hadn't been watching him so closely, I wouldn't have noticed that he was sick. He was still eating, drinking water, playing with his toys, etc. He eyes and nose looked clear, and he didn't have any trouble standing on his perches, or anything obvious like that. You wouldn't have known he was sick. The only signs were that he was sneezing, his nose was a tiny bit runny sometimes, and his droppings were watery. At first, my mom thought the sneezing could have just been from dust, but when I noticed his droppings looked different, I just had a feeling something was wrong.

Right now, Buddy is playing with his toys and chirping. So I think he might have just started on the road to recovery. The vet had said that it was okay for me to take him out and pet him, if he likes to be petted (which Buddy does). I just have to be careful not to stress him too much right now.

I think I caught it early, and hopefully Buddy will be okay. But please say a prayer for him. With good luck, his feathers will have grown back and he'll be over this sickness, and he'll be a happy, healthy birdie again by Christmas. That would be the best present ever.
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So glad you took Buddy in and he's on the road to recovery!!!
You and Buddy will be in my thoughts and prayers!
I'm glad you caught it early!! Keep us updated! :)
Have you found out how he caught a respiratory infection in the first place? Right now it is best to keep him warm like what your doing right now. I usually cover the sides of the cage with a towel to keep the heat in.
If its the occasional dry sneeze, then it's ok. If the sneeze is wet and/or constant, then there may be an issue.... although sometimes birds can get water in their nostrils and try and sneeze that out.
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Sneezing is not always a sign of sickness. It could just be from dust or something else in the air that the bird might have to get used to. When I first brought my new parakeet, Chipper, home he was sneezing on his first day. But I just had him checked by an avian vet and he's fine.

It does mean that you need to just be on the lookout for other symptoms. If the bird is sneezing and you notice other things like his nose is running, and his droppings are watery then you need to take it to a vet. That was how I found out that Buddy had a respiratory infection. You don't have to panic the first time the bird sneezes, but just be on the lookout for anything else abnormal.

And I have to be clear about this just in case anyone new sees this topic...Buddy did NOT die from the respiratory infection. He was getting antibiotics and he was getting better. He died because a stupid vet technician (basically an assistant in the vet's office) misread the label on the medicine and massively overdosed him. He got at least 10 times the amount he was supposed to get. Poor Buddy never had a chance. :(

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