Why do Sugar's feathers look like this?


Active member
Mar 27, 2023
Knoxville, TN
One Goffins cockatoo. I would love more but she hates other birds!
Why do Sugar's feathers look like this? They look and feel like down. Her entire body is covered with them except on the back of her wings and her tail. I feed her a home made high quality chop and high quality Hari Hagen pellets. Is she molting?
well... it doesnt look like she is grooming that area. watch her carefully and see if she is grooming there... if not, mabye something is annoying her?
I’d say it looks like Sugar is picking/barbering her feathers. How long have you noticed her feathers looking this way?
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well... it doesnt look like she is grooming that area. watch her carefully and see if she is grooming there... if not, mabye something is annoying her?
she does groom in that area
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I’d say it looks like Sugar is picking/barbering her feathers. How long have you noticed her feathers looking this way?
for awhile now. She has total in and out freedom of her cage except at bedtime. She should be a happy bird so I just don't get it
Has she been to the vet for bloodwork? To rule out any medical cause for the barbering.
That def looks like barbering (biting off some or most of a feather). It may have been an itch or something originally but now it sounds like it has become a habit, and those are notorious for being hard to break. Make sure you don't unintentionally give positive reinforcement try to break the habit. Example - providing a treat to break her attention from barbering her feathers would only reenforce the habit. Same for giving attention, admonishment, toys. Good luck!
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That def looks like barbering (biting off some or most of a feather). It may have been an itch or something originally but now it sounds like it has become a habit, and those are notorious for being hard to break. Make sure you don't unintentionally give positive reinforcement try to break the habit. Example - providing a treat to break her attention from barbering her feathers would only reenforce the habit. Same for giving attention, admonishment, toys. Good luck!
I've ordered her 2 collars to see if they will help. She's not had a bath since it got too cold so I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it? She makes a HUGE mess with baths which is why I don't do them inside. I guess I'll try to find a way to bathe her inside. I've tried putting her is the shower and misting her but she freaks out.

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