Wing noise


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2021
Females, Lutino Indian Ringneck Missy and Silver Lavender IRN Gracie.
It's not an issue, just asking out of curiosity but why is it that my parrots' flying sometimes sounds like whirring and at other times is... well, normal flying sound. And that could be in the course of a day or even hours in that day so it's not even "She was making that sound yesterday but isn't today" it's like "She is making it now but 1/2 hour ago wasn't".
Just curious.
P.S. oh and she is moulting.... but if that were the reason she'd make that sound all the time when flying.
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That's pretty much just normal bird flying sounds. My birds make it all the time.
The discussion regarding Bird Flight is a multi-day occurrence as there is just so very much to understand.

Variation in sound has several sources and one of them is clearly the effect of molting as wing feathers are by design meant to over lap and when one is missing that opening can create a sound. That said, there are more common causes resulting from the positioning of the feathers across the wing as the Parrot flys from the ground, adjust to forward flight, adjusts for a turn, or decreases speed and adjust for several different types of landings.

Add to the above, there is the availability of feather dust or natural oil that is used to allow the feathers to smoothly adjust over each other. A recent bathe can result in more sound.

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Birds and the Hugh wealth of knowledge that one gains by simple looking closer.
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I've noticed they can adjust the sound of flight. Mine can do a stealth flight, like when they want to swoop in and steal something. They also seem to a loud flight on purpose when coming in to an already occupied perch and they want that bird to move!

I'm excited you've noticed as well and brought this topic up!

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