Wow.. Yet another bad afternoon


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Male Eclectus- Oscar and Female Eclectus- Scarlet
Why didn't you tell me?! I knew nothing of this! That would have been horrible :(
Thank god Fargo is okay!! <3
And you too of course :p
If only I loved closer I could have come saved you from the snake! Haha! Thank god my snake will never get big enough to eat anything in my house! And he has absolutely no way of escaping!
Do you know what kind of snake it was?


New member
Nov 9, 2012
SouthEast TX
Monte..Scarlet macaw, Seminole...yellow napped amazon, Starburst... sun conure...Rain, cinnamon green cheek.
I'm no expert...only been to Australia once....but I was told and saw some pretty amazing things there...

You have spiders that eat in the outback with a bird like Fargo, well....that's gotta be a challenge...but you're a smart girl, he's obviously a smart bird.....

I think you two will be just fine...just remember, even 20 foot boa constrictors are scared of what you can do to them....

Glad you and Fargo are alright...get an old broom handle to watch at the head if the next intruder...a long old broom handle!! Don't want you getting bit..


New member
Aug 24, 2011
New Jersey
Female Dusky Conure (Kayak) Female Sun Conure (Carlisle) Female Budgie (Meister) Male Budgie (Spooky Burd)
Ugh! That's so scary. I'm glad you guys are both ok! That would scare me so bad having a snake in my room where it could get to my birds. I wouldn't fear for me! I'd be scared for my birdies.

Sometimes I hate living in New Jersey... but after reading stories like this it makes me love NJ a whole lot more. (not having to pump our own gas is nice too :p) No deadly snakes, spiders, or other creepy crawlies. We have them, but they're not prevalent like they are in Australia or even some parts of the US. My best friend who lives in AZ is always sending me pictures of scorpions who have gotten into the house. :eek: I don't scream like a little girl when I see snakes, spiders or creepy crawlies. I just don't like them one bit and wish they'd just go somewhere else. There are a bunch of black rat snakes that live in the woods behind my house. They don't bother anybody. They've startled me many times though. Just slithering on by going about their business making the grass move... and making me nearly jump out of my skin.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Male Eclectus- Oscar and Female Eclectus- Scarlet
I'm no expert...only been to Australia once....but I was told and saw some pretty amazing things there...

You have spiders that eat in the outback with a bird like Fargo, well....that's gotta be a challenge...but you're a smart girl, he's obviously a smart bird.....

I think you two will be just fine...just remember, even 20 foot boa constrictors are scared of what you can do to them....

Glad you and Fargo are alright...get an old broom handle to watch at the head if the next intruder...a long old broom handle!! Don't want you getting bit..

We have spiders that can EAT snakes?!
I'm moving out of Australia.

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