Young Red Bellied Parrot pooping in food dish


New member
Jul 20, 2011
New York
Green Cheek Conure,
Red Bellied Parrot

My new Red Bellied Parrot, Yoshi, has being doing great, but has one issue. He keeps pooping in his pellet dish. He doesn't poop in his water dish or fresh food dish, only the pellet dish.

I have tried moving the perch near the dish lower, but it seems that he perches on the food bowl to poop in it.

This morning, I moved the pellet dish to the holder where the fresh food dish normally is and left the dish holder where the pellet dish normally sits empty. (I'll give him fresh food tonight). I am hoping that if the dish isn't there he will learn to poop elsewhere.

Do you think this will work? Any other suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

i have no idea nut use to poop in her pellet dish, think its there way of sayin....
*whaaaa eeewwww peellllllleeeetttttsssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but she doesn't anymore kinda just stopped
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Well, he didn't poop in his pellet dish in the new location. This morning I left it in the new spot and put his fresh food dish where the pellet bowl used to be. We'll see what happens.

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