aggressive bird

  1. D

    A way to tone down aggression in a parrotlet

    I have one two year old pacific parrotlet. She is the only pet I have and I live alone with her, though I often have visitors. Most of the times, she is quite docile, though she is a bit destructive with household objects, when left to her own devices, but I think this is expected of any parrot...
  2. K

    My meyers parrot (30+) bites now, ne never did 10 years ago.

    So my mom has a Meyers parrot between then age of 30 and 35 and an African Grey around the age of 20-25. Both are rescued and both picked up from the same bird owner at the same time because we were told "they are best friends" and we didn't want to break that up. If we take Roz (the Grey)...
  3. B

    3 Month Old Green Cheek Conure Displaying Aggression and Mating Behaviors

    Hello everyone, I am new to the forum, as well as green cheek conure ownership. I recently purchased 2 Green Cheek Conures, Skittles(3 Month Old) and Kiwi(Just under a year) I have had them for three days now. Skittles, the young one, started getting on top of Kiwi and rubbing, like he is...
  4. K

    Aggressive male Kakariki

    Our male and female Kakariki have got chicks now, 6 little ones. They have just been 'at it' again and the female is again sitting on one egg. Has anyone ever had a problem with the male becoming aggressive to the chicks. Ours seems to be attacking them, plucking their feathers out. it sounds...
  5. D

    Aggressive Yellow Naped Amazon

    I have had Arnold for approximately 36 years - I believe that she is very likely around 42 years old. Arnold is a hen, despite her name. My wife and I discovered her sex shortly after she moved in with us as she nested and laid an egg - she did this several times over the course of her life...
  6. B

    Aggressive Conure - Looking for Help

    Hi all! I'm new here and have owned a little Green Cheek named Juju for a couple years now. She's incredibly aggressive (biter) and I'm hoping some of you might be able to offer some tips for training to make her a little more handleable. First some backstory for Juju: I got her a few years...
  7. ForTheLoveOfBirds

    Help needed. Aggressive yellow napped amazon

    Hello fellow bird lovers, I am extremely new to this hobby, only having gotten a parrot 2 weeks ago and I need some help. I have a 35 year old yellow napped amazon parrot. She was my great grandmothers whom could no longer take care of her. Unfortunately, this bird was abused by other members...
  8. M

    Very angry parrotlet, need advice!!!

    So my little guy Tango is the angriest bird I've ever seen. He does not care for me, he steps up and gives kisses but that's it, he won't let me touch him or pet him and will 9/10 run away from me when outside the cage. His companion is Major, my parrotlet one year older who lost his brother...
  9. T

    Aggressive conure

    Good evening everyone! My name is Tez, i am 23 and live in San Diego, CA with my mom, sister, nephew and, until recently, my baby Pineapple Conure :green2: named Flash! Flash is 6-7 months old, i adopted him from a Family that did not want to care for him (the sex of the bird is still...
  10. K

    Please help! My quaker parrot wont stop biting!

    A couple weeks ago i bought a 3 yr old quaker parrot with his cage and all off of craigslist. Every time you put your hands near him, even just on the bars of his cage he freaks out, lunges at my hand and it sounds almost like he hisses? Is he doing this because he just needs more time to get...
  11. S

    First time bird owner with aggressive rehomed bird

    (sorry for the rambling) my dad just got a Quaker Parrot for the family, He/she is 1 to 2 years old. The original owners neglected him/her and its unknown how much handling hes actually had. Then my cousin had him for just a month and her kids used to occasionally beat on his cage. He has...
  12. T

    Trouble with a Split Personality Goffin Cockatoo ... Coconut

    I've sorted through the posts here and found similar situations, but nothing QUITE like our predicament with Coconut. Please note that I am a total Newb. I never owned a bird or lived with birds up until 7 months ago. I was strictly a cat lady ... and then I found the love of my life and his...
  13. T

    Alexandrine is biting till it bleeds

    Hi there I'm new to this forum or any forum as a matter of fact. I need some help and advice. Ten months ago I got an alexandrine parrot which was most likely around 13- 20 months old. What I first got it, it was really aggressive; it used to bit so hard and with such force that my fingers...
  14. R

    my bird flipped, why??

    I've had my green-cheek for 4/5 months now, hes great and a real sweetie (most of the time), but lately, I can't do anything with him. Can't pick him up, can't feed him without him lunging after my hands, can't play with him, can't even get close without him puffing up in aggression...
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