
  1. U

    Macaw feeding advice

    Hello there, What should a b&g macaw's feeding routine be like? From youtube I saw pellets and veggies in the morning then fruits and seeds as dinner in the afternoon.... should they have food available at all times? And if so then what kind, pellets, veggies, fruits? And during the night do you...
  2. S

    B&g vs greenwing macaw

    hi everyone i know ive asked a question in the past about which macaw and got a lot of helpful advice however all macaws were being thrown in and ive now narrowed it down to 2. i went to visit some yesterday and was shown scarletts (beautiful but not for me) the greenwings and b&gs as id...
  3. O

    B&G Macaw Problem

    Hello, I am a proud owner of an African Grey, Coocoo :grey:, who is now 3 years old :) he is sweet, loving and very talkative. Yesterday arrived my brother's B&G Macaw from the States where he had him for 2 years. The Macaw is 2 1/2 years old and LOVES my brother. My brother will arrive to...
  4. L


    I was hoping for a bit of advice. I have a 9 year old B&G which i rescued nearly 4 months ago. When I first got him he had a few pin feathers which he would always let me help him with but over the last month or so he has been molting loads and he now doesn't like me trying to get the wax off...
  5. Clifford And Kayko

    Clifford And Kayko

    Kayko the B&G Clifford the Scarlet Doogie the Catalina Hybrid
  6. Clifford And Kayko

    Clifford And Kayko

    Kayko the B&G Clifford the Scarlet
  7. Clifford And Kayko

    Clifford And Kayko

    Kayko the B&G with wings trimmed