
  1. ~CinnamonSpice~

    Coconut Water Recipe

    Coconut Water Recipe 1. Get a cup 2. Fill cup with Water until full 3. Put Coconut Oil in a paper plate/paper bowl. 4. Microwave Coconut Oil for 50 seconds WARNING: Could be Hot 5. Carefully bend paper plate in half with Coconut Oil in it 6. Pour into cup 7. Stir 8. Enjoy! Don’t let your bird...
  2. Twitter&Twitch

    What's something you've seen your bird do that you can't get over?

    For me it'd be my budgie, Twitch, running around on the bottom of the cage to get his favorite piece of paper, then try to climb back up to the perch (we bought him from the pet store and his wings were clipped back then but they grew back so he's used to climbing, but he is learning to fly...
  3. Y

    Need bird tips

    Hello my name is Yak, and I've had a green cheeked conure :rainbow1: for quite some time now, she is 2 years old now and everything I've ever dreamed of! I love her so much. However, the bird breeder I got her from said she can eat primarily seeds until I found out online this is a horrible diet...
  4. A

    in search of any birds in California except small birds

    Looking for a birdie.... Anything cockatoos, greys, macaws, jardine's, anything that's not tiny and can learn to talk...will drive anywhere in California to pick up....parrot forums won't let me direct message. :red1: This is for my dad he has had several years of experience with several kinds...
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