cage setup

  1. Rico_Tiel

    Cage Inspiration?

    I'd love to see all of your cage setups! tomorrow I am rearranging my poopy bird's cage and would love to use some setups for inspiration! afterwards, I will post a pic of his cage and you guys can rate it out of 10 or give some tips! thank you all in advance!
  2. Ezekiell

    Advice in cage setup

    Hi everyone! We’re now preparing in earnest for when our feathered baby comes home (a few weeks to go yet!). I’ve now set up the cage and given it a good scrub with vinegar solution, and washed all the perches off with the same. Now I’m trying to arrange his things into a suitable setup (before...
  3. P

    Is my setup for lovebirds OK?

    Hello. We have just brought two 10 month old lovebirds male and female. I want to ask if my cage setup is OK? Do birds need access to enclosed nesting-box all the time or only during nesting period? I also brought couple of toys online now I am waiting for them to be delivered, so cage will...
  4. srdalyssa

    Rate the cage setup!

    Hello all! I will be getting a conure soon and would like some input on my cage setup. I wanted to get the biggest one I could, and it certainly is. It had to be taken apart to get it in the room! :p The toy on the top is one I made from streamers and toilet paper rolls per a Youtube video I...
  5. S

    Cage Liner Options...Walnut shells???

    So Shorty's cage came a few weeks ago.:D I got a corner style cage that seems large enough honestly; if i found one with a few more inches i think it would've been better...but it's here now & he seems to like it. :blue1: Right now I have puppy pads on the actual floor and his heating pad in...
  6. S

    blue and gold macaw cage set up.

    Hi, I'm getting my baby blue and gold macaw on Sunday, i was hoping i could get some advice on how well my cage is set up? Sorry for the quality! many thanks in advance! Scott. Photos also here:
  7. Compa

    Why no leaves?

    Greetings all. Newbie here. Recently bought my first bird in over 20 years. lt'll be several weeks before Goomba, my new baby GCC, can come home. So, I've got a lot of time to set up his cage. I've checked out hundreds of cages on the internet to get some design ideas and not a single cage...
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