
  1. elsaandnori


    I just found out that the sweet amazon I found for sale is clipped and i am wondering how different it is to look after a clipped bird . I definitely want her to grow her feathers out because i really want to free fly my birds eventually but i know they can take a long time to grow back and i...
  2. P

    Clipped feathers

    Hi guys, I am concerned about one of my teil, named Jazzy. She is not able fly, but can glide within room. She is with me for 3 months. I noticed some of her flight feathers are clipped and have not grown in 3months. Does it take that much time? She eats mostly seed.
  3. W

    Conure Plucked? Wing

    After a bath today I discovered that one of my Conure's wings has a bare patch hidden under a primary feathers. The patch is on the top of the right wing, where the first 2 primary feathers are. She has been preening small down feathers but mostly on her chest. Is this a natural part of her...
  4. C

    Wing feathers

    :greenyellow: Hey! I've had my quaker parrot Sol since February. I've posted before about her scared nature, and although she's not any less people shy, she's a happy bird. Chirps a lot, plays with her toys, and eats well. I worried a lot the stress of people around would cause her to pluck but...
  5. A

    Pros & Cons on clipping wings?

    I feel like theres some controversy for whether or not you should clip your birds wings... What are the pros and cons of clipping wings?
  6. B

    How long does it take for clipped wings to grow back

    I have my sun conure rocky and he's about 6 months old and when I got him he had clipped wings. I really want the pore Bugga to be able to fly he's a bird for god sake. Does anyone now how long it will take for his wings to come back?
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