
  1. TeekoGreenCheek

    Let me turn your bird into a Poke'mon card!

    Just something Hilariously awesome! And fun I came up with!
  2. Rico_Tiel

    Favorite games?

    What are your guys’ favorite games? Whether it’s video games, board games, games you made up, or games you play with pets, as long as it is fun, it belongs! I personally like playing ARK: Survival Evolved and Uno but I also like playing peekaboo using random objects with Rico, pretending my dog...
  3. clark_conure

    Birds inventing organized sports

    I don't know how this developed organically over time but my conure has invented an organized sporting event. The rules are simple I have a big downstairs basement den and I lay down far from my desk and he hops off. He hangs around a bit and the game begins when I get up on my hands and...
  4. veimar

    What weird games your parrots like to play with you?

    Hi, I just wanted to start this thread about games your parrots like to play with you - the games that THEY initiate. :) I started thinking about this after Coco, my lovebird, invented a really weird game with me. She loves to open the kitchen cabinets and to go inside, and she gets overly...
  5. F

    Concern for a roommates parrot

    Hi there! I'm writing not as a parrot owner but as an animal lover. My friend's roommate has had his parrot for over a decade. They are quite bonded of course at this point but I've become rather concerned for how the parrot is taken care of. For a short summary it seems the parrot isn't getting...
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