
  1. BeoBean

    Groomers clipped my bird when I told them not to

    I had hoped my first post here would be a happier one, but I just really need to vent right now. So I have this sweet little crimson bellied conure named Beo. He’s my first bird and I love him to bits. When I got him back in December his wings were already clipped. I didn’t mind this since it...
  2. Ezekiell

    Nail grinder?

    So I’ve been doing nail filing training with Maui and he’s doing great. Got used to the feel and sound of the file on his nails, and learnt a command for giving me his foot really quickly. Although, his nails are growing super quickly. I had just got them down to a manageable length, then we...
  3. Cthebird

    Extreme fear/terror when toweling, etc.

    My Hahn's macaw has an extreme fear of anything that resembles doctoring or beak/nail grooming. When we or the vet try to towel him to do anything like that, he is terrified! If we even come near him with a towel or a file he escapes quickly or gives an extreme fight. Normally he's very sweet...
  4. E

    Insert Explosion

    It's that time of the year... Does anyone else feel like they are trying to defuse a tiny bomb when they are preening pin feathers? One wrong move and SNAP! I just realized that I barely breathe when Marz puts me to task at eliminating those pesky quills around his head and neck. No wonder I...
  5. EdenRR

    Anxiety Attacks and Grooming (Advice)

    Hello all! I've just made an appointment to take my 10 year old Green Cheek Conure, Burgundy, to the vet for a grooming. But I'm pretty nervous because the last time we took him to a groomer, he had a bad anxiety attack. His beak was open in a way that I can only describe as panting and he...
  6. A

    Help To Stop Feather Plucking?

    I recently brought home a female Eclectus :red1: and she's been feather plucking a lot. She plucked the majority of feathers that are gone before she came home with me, but she's continuing to do so. I think there could be two causes: She had recently laid an unfertilized egg, and so she's...
  7. WannaBeAParrot

    Beak Bubble? Anyone ever see or hear about this?

    It's basically a plastic ball that is put over a parrot's head during grooming. Parrots and - Beak Bubble It's horrifying for me to look at the photos. Maybe I'm just squeamish, because the birds don't appear to be unsettled. What do you think is better, this thing or...
  8. T

    Haru's quick is grown out almost to the tips of his nails!

    I just had his nails filed at the vet's office about 2 weeks ago and she could barely take off any of the nail length due to how far out his quick is on all of the nails.. Does anyone have an insight on why it's not receding? Any tips would be much appreciated. :green:
  9. FeliciaMae

    20 year old Catalina Macaw! I have a few questions!?

    My boyfriend and I just got a Catalina Macaw yesterday. The previous owner said she has a habit of biting her feet and ankles extremely hard when she has tantrums. I'm assuming its because they didn't spend much time with her and shes in a new environment so she's stressed. Is there anyway we...
  10. Oedipussrex

    pin feathers, grooming

    I was just wondering if there was anything i could do to help my 2yo make ekkie grow his pin feathers in. He picks and over-preens so most of them dont survive to be full feathers, is there was anything i could do to help them become full feathers? He has a shower almost every morning because...
  11. B

    Grooming my bird!

    Hi everyone! i am not new to parrots but i am new to this/and some other forums. Reading all the information i found online is very interesting, since the store that i bought my african grey from pretty much told me to do the opposite of everything that i can find online in these forums. so...
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