ill budgie

  1. SleepyLuca

    Budgie health problems

    So my about 6 year old budgie has been having a lot of problems recently that have me concerned. His beak has started to grow too fast for him to manage and we had to begin trimming it on a regular basis so that he can eat, drink and clean himself. But- he also has feces stuck to his vent and it...
  2. B

    HELP Budgie has a sore/tumour?

    Hi all, recently our pet budgie has gone off her food and water, she’s all fluffed up and is sleeping nearly all day. Today we found this on her around her bum and we don’t know what to do! We don’t have any avian vets near us, so any recommendations as to what this could be would be so helpful...
  3. L

    My budgie is very ill and avian vet did not help

    My 1 year old male budgie Aleksi suddenly took a bad turn on Saturday. Out of nowhere he started gagging and throwing up white liquid, which later turned into just throwing up whole seeds. I had to wait until tuesday to get him to an avian vet because of memorial day. Those 2 days after...
  4. B

    Health concerns again :(

    :greenyellow: I am devastated. All I wanted to do was provide a great home for my budgie and some companionship but I'm afraid my budgie may be unwell. As some of you may know, I've came here before with concerns about Goose's health, as I found her laying down on the bottom of her cage...
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