
  1. Jayson_Black

    Seeking advice for weaning my hand raised Eclectus!

    After finishing this post I will be going up the supermarket to buy Salem's (Our 44 day (6.2 weeks) old Eclectus) First Foods. Am going to give him Cooked Sweet Potato, Corn and peas. Maybe a small amount of Strawberry &/or Kiwi Fruit. But not too much Fruit coz of sugar/fructose. My main...
  2. F

    Pet Taxi for Parrot Brooder???

    Hello! While my Green cheek babies are still hatching, I'm brainstorming different ideas for a brooder. I have a small dog pet taxi that I use for my adult birds. Could I use an under-the-tank reptile heater directly on the bottom, or would it melt the plastic? The plastic is definitely thicker...
  3. F

    Green-cheeked Conure Hatch Time

    Hello! My beloved pets of a few years (Brazil and Zealand) have decided to pop out some eggs a second year in a row! Last year, all of their chicks died. This year, I am determined to ensure their health. As I was changing out the birds' bedding, they both came out of the nest box. Because of...
  4. A

    Lovebirds didn't start incubation

    I have a pair of lovebirds hen lay 4th egg about a week ago and didn't lay any more eggs for about one week but she also didn't start incubation. Is this normal or is there any thing wrong!!!
  5. E

    Sudden self-mutilation during incubation in Green cheek conure

    Hello all, New here, and shocked by my 10 year old hand-reared Green cheeked conure suddenly mutilating herself in her nestbox. I wondered if anyone had any knowledge of anything similar happening elsewhere? I'm sorry this is a bit of a long post but I thought I'd give as much detail as...
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