injured beak

  1. Ninjina93

    Is his beak ok?

    Hi all! Brand new here for some advice. Last week I found an injured wild Quaker parrot in my village, where there is a large colony (I live in Spain). Sadly he must have been attacked by a cat and after a trip to the vet it was established he has a fracture in the wing which would result in...
  2. G

    Possibly sick or injured conure?

    Hello! I have a green cheek conure that is about 9 years old and has been perfectly healthy for a long time. Earlier today I took him out of his cage and noticed a small bald spot under his beak with dried blood. I can't tell if the area is swollen or inflamed but I have noticed that he keeps...
  3. O

    Bleeding beak

    My conure injured his beak and was bleeding for a few minutes but has now stopped. He seems to be in pain and has trouble eating. Is there anything I can do to help his pain, or clean the blood with? Also I tried to give him boiled vegetables, but he just pecked at it then left it, what other...
  4. M

    Beak injury

    Hi I am new here. I have 2 macaws. 1 is 18 years old. The 2nd is also supposed to be around the same age. They regurgitate and share food regularly. The 1st one has injured the flesh on both sides of his jaw where the beaks meet. How do I help heal this wound? How do I prevent this from...
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