missing bird

  1. B

    Please help find my Bebe.. the cockatiel

    Please help find my Bebe. Bebe is a cockatiel, 6yo. Yellow head with orange cheeks and gray body. She flew away on 11/9/24 around 11am in Danbury, CT. Ball pond Rd and clapboard ridge Rd, kingstreet area. If you are around the neighborhood please look out for her in your yard, windows, cars...
  2. S

    Struggling to find my lost budgie :(

    It's been 3 days since my budgie flew away from my home. He initially was in a tree nearby but later on disappeared. I've been putting up missing posters, placing his cage outside, reporting a missing bird to the local vets and communities, going around the area calling his name, playing bird...
  3. Zilaxia

    Goodbye, Lucy.

    Lucy is gone. While I was at school my idiotic father decided to bring the bird cage outside and then OPEN THE CAGE DOOR TO MOVE SOMETHING INSIDE THE CAGE. So of course, Lucy flew out. He had the audacity to tell me the news while laughing and acting like I didn't even look at the bird anymore...
  4. A

    Should I Give Up After Two Weeks?

    Hello, I don't post on here all that often. I live in the Elk Neck area over in Cecil County, Maryland, and am surrounded by trees. On Thursday, July 12th, I made the horrible mistake of going outside to check something with my sweet little Jenday Conure, Kelly, on my shoulder. He had flown into...
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