Okay question! I am a full-time student and often leave the house for 4-6 hours at a time. My green cheek conure has a full indoor enclosure and is never caged when I’m home. However, I hate to leave her inside when I’m away. So I have a cockatiel sized cage that I place right outside the front...
So yesterday I had most the fids outside when I got home from work around 1:45 until sunset it was a looooong day but so worth it gorgeous outside!!!
Heres some pics of Merlin yesterday only reason for the hoodie was cause of random wind.
I have three cockatiels, two male and one female, and the males are fighting a lot recently and I think it's because the cage is too small. I don't have enough room in the house for a bigger cage, but we just built a huge chicken run and have a lot of material left over. I'm thinking of making...