
  1. Huda_bird

    Petting help

    My little guy will often fly to me and land on me. He'll step up whenever I want him to and will even fly into whatever room I'm in. He doesn't like to be petted. He'll step away, fly away or even step on to the other hand that's trying to pet him. How can I get him to be comfortable and let me...
  2. B

    Trying to pet my male Eclectus

    Hi everyone I have a question about petting my male eclectus. He is 5 months and counting and seems to really like me. He always steps up and wants to just hang out no problem. But when I’m holding him and I go to pet him with my other hand he squawks and either jumps off or tries to bite. I...
  3. B

    Eclectus petting question

    Hi everyone I have a question about petting my male eclectus. He is 5 months and counting and seems to really like me. He always steps up and wants to just hang out no problem. But when I’m holding him and I go to pet him with my other hand he squawks and either jumps off or tries to bite. I...
  4. gavagai

    Where exactly are the erogenous zones?

    Something that my first avian vet told me was that the lower back and the sides under the wings are erogenous zones which I shouldn't touch. This was after asking him about it following an article I'd read that claimed the whole body below the neck is an erogenous zone. Since then, I've seen...
  5. J

    Mickey is starting to like me!!

    So I've finally seemed to have gained a little bit of Mickey's trust. He has gotten better with stepping up. He won't usually step up if he is inside of his cage but I respect that because that is his personal space and I want him to at least feel comfortable and secure in there if no place...
  6. MissLarissa

    How do I make the cuddles? lol

    My green cheek is friendly, don't get me wrong, he sleeps curled up in a green fleece blanket on my bed while I stay up, he gives me kisses, and can gently take food, but I can only pet him on his back. I have seen many videos of people holding their bird lying on their back, petting their...
  7. P

    Parakeet help? (Biting & Touching)

    Hi bird lovers!(: I'm new here, and I have a parakeet named Kiko. At night and in the evening, he sits on the perch closest to the outside of the cage. Thus meaning that I can easily pet him through the cage. I've never actually pet him before, because whenever I stick my finger in there, he...
  8. M

    Blue fronted Amazon handling

    I have been the proud owner of a female BFA for about 6 months now. I love my bird (Vega is her name) very much, and she seems very content, but she is very shy of being petted. The only time she will allow any petting or scratching is at night when she seems very tired. I got her when she was...