
  1. junipersr

    "Nest" Alternatives?

    My new lovebird Percy came from a previous owner with all his stuff. This includes a "nest" that is very dark and cozy and I'm sure will make him hormonal as soon as he's old enough for that (he's 7 or 8 months old). He really loves it though and goes in there to sleep every night and I'd feel...
  2. K

    Large Toy Suggestions for Macaw?

    So, I have some toys for my harlequin macaw, Kiwi but they aren't really big enough for her and she manages to shred them right away. Does anyone have a favourite toy company or specific toy they like? I'm aware I need to switch out the toys for enrichment purposes and I did a ton of research on...
  3. K

    Shower w/ Birds Do and Don'ts?

    Ok so, as some of you might know, I was given a macaw as a surprise gift (Warning: NOT A GOOD IDEA) but either way, I read you can take showers with your birds. I also know birds are particularly sensitive to scented things. If I have scented shampoos should we get rid of them? Are there certain...
  4. L

    Tissue paper twine?

    Hi everyone, me again! I’m looking for help with another question. I’ve been really struggling to find safe rope to use for toys for my new lovebirds. I came across a way to make twine out of tissue paper. Is this a safe option or is it toxic/harmful?
  5. Squeeing_Onion

    Is this Utility Heater safe to use with a parrot?

    Heya! Been a while. Bongo and I are cozied up at a ren' fest I'm running a store at, and the building I'm in doesn't have built-in heat. I was provided with a lil' space heater that looks about like this...
  6. B

    Art Around Birds?

    Hi everyone, long time no see! I was just wondering what kind of paints would be safe around birds (oil, acrylic, etc) because I want to pick up painting sometime in the future. I would most likely be painting in my bedroom or the den area (the birds are there right now, but i plan to move them...
  7. B

    Advice please on accepting rehome of macaw

    Hi, new here but not new to parenting parrots, although it's been a while. Had 2 conures and a goffins cockatoo, but unfortunately had to rehome them after a house fire displaced me for almost a year. Since then I've had a baby, been divorced, been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, I'm on...
  8. D

    Is this Air purifier safe?

    I was thinking about getting an Airfree T800 air purifier for my small room with the birds. It does not use ionizing at all. It uses thermodynamic technology and doesn't use replacement filters. It also reduces ozone by 26%. Is it safe for birds?
  9. C

    Pancake recipe

    Hi everyone! I have a Green Cheeked Conure and am wondering if anyone thinks this recipe I would like to make, is safe for my little sweetheart.:rainbow1: Multigrain Pancakes ingredients; Whole Wheat flour AP flour Oatmeal Baking Powder Baking Soda Salt Flax Meal Chia Seeds Canola Oil Eggs...
  10. F

    deliver bird via airlines?

    Hi everyone. i have a question about getting a bird. Would it be safe to have a bhc delivered by airline?:confused: i found a great breeding place that is in florida but i am in illinois so i am really far away. would it work if there was a closer place or should i just drive if it was closer...
  11. L

    Essential Oils

    Hey Everyone! I am a new user of Young Lving Essential Oils. I want to safely use these for /with my quaker parrot. I have heard tea tree oils are toxic to them. Does anyone know where TO FIND A LIST OF SAFE ESSENTIAL OILS FOR PARROTS? Also, what blends are safe to use...
  12. Boyd75

    DIY Perches

    What are soe woods that are safe for birds? My mother has a crape mytle tree in her yard, is that bird safe? and what are others?
  13. Boyd75

    bird toys, cleaning

    how can i clean my birds toys, dissinfect them? esecially if they are reused from a different bird, is that ossible?
  14. ann

    How do you shower with your bird?

    I've tried this before, but I find it very difficult. I take black jack onto the shower on my hand or shoulder and he melts in the water :D. He gets completely soaked! However, I have to put him outside the shower when I use soap. I know a lot of people shower with their birds, but isn't the...
  15. ann

    Vitamin E oil???

    Hi guys, I recently bought some vitamin E oil from Trader Joe's. The ingredients only list vitamin e oil and coconut oil. I was wondering if it would be safe to use on my birds. My dove started plucking the feathers around her vent after laying some eggs and I thought I would put a little on the...
  16. S

    Can you put nail polish on a parrot's nails?

    Is it safe to paint a parrot's nails? I painted one claw (of our Blue Crowned Conure) without really thinking about it... X( I held him for a while and made sure it was dry before leaving the room, and I've checked on him and he doesn't seem to be picking at it. And I did it quickly in a...
  17. ann

    how to offer beans and chick peas?

    Hello, today I am making a birdie bread with sweet potatoes, carrots, egg food, banana, and peas. I wanted to include red kidney beans, corn, and chickpeas, all canned. However, the corn is in water and salt (serving size is 1/2 cup with 250mg sodium per serving). If I rinsed the corn well...
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