stopped talking

  1. Methughous

    My IRN has stopped talking, and screams whenever he can.

    Hi, my IRN is 3 yrs now. I have taught him plenty of things. He used to talk well and he would talk to himself in the mirror but now he has stopped doing that. He hardly speaks a word now. This behavior started when i left him for a week. He was not alone, he stayed home with my father like...
  2. K

    African Grey still sick!

    Hello I have a year and a half old African Grey named Rex. He started breathing heavily so I took him to his vet. They prescribed medication and he finished it all about 5 days ago. Yesterday he began panting and wobbling again. He isn't talking I can tell he is still sick and I do not know what...
  3. R

    Parrot no longer talking/chirping. Just a sigh sound.

    Okay guys I need your help again. My Kakariki has stopped talking, but he would still chirp. He would make this little chirp growl if I annoyed him, etc. etc. Now, all of a sudden, he is not making any noise. If I annoy him, he now makes this little sigh noises as if he's trying to chirp but no...
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