My IRN has stopped talking, and screams whenever he can.


New member
Jun 23, 2023
Islamabad, Pakistan
Green indian ring neck parrot
Hi, my IRN is 3 yrs now. I have taught him plenty of things. He used to talk well and he would talk to himself in the mirror but now he has stopped doing that. He hardly speaks a word now. This behavior started when i left him for a week. He was not alone, he stayed home with my father like normal, just I was gone. But when i returned after a week he had been screaming from time to time for different reasons, sometimes to get attention, sometimes when i walk out of the room, sometimes just by himslef i couldnt figure out why. He did use to scream before too but not that often.
I've trying to make him talk like he used to do. I would keep repeating the phrase he knows whenever he is sitting on me, or whenever he is calm. He did say all the phrases but that happened only once. So he does remeber all the phrases but he is willingly not talking.
Please help me how can i make his talk again.
He had such a cute style. I dont know what yo do.
He is screaming all the time, when he's angry, hungry, happy, excited, playful, bored.
He is a very smart bird, i taught him to do tricks as well and he does soooo well.
I miss my baby talk.
Welcome to the forum, I'm so happy you joined us.
How long have you been back home with him? It it was recently, he may just be mad that you left. If so, he will get over it, sometimes it takes more time with one bird than it does with another.

If you've been back awhile, you may have to do sort of a reset. I'd start back at the beginning from when you first got him, and repeat how you got him to trust you. Sometimes birds (commonly IRNs) can revert back in their behaviour without the attention they are used to. By starting all over again, you should hopefully be able to regain his trust. I'd love to see pictures of your baby!
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I have been back a while. He is behaving normally, its just he has stop talking . Rest is same. He eats, plays, cuddles like normal but not talking.
Yes I have been repeating the things like I did in the beginning, i know for a fact that he hasnt forgotten. He whistles sometimes, but not talking!
Thats him a few months ago


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I have been back a while. He is behaving normally, its just he has stop talking . Rest is same. He eats, plays, cuddles like normal but not talking.
Yes I have been repeating the things like I did in the beginning, i know for a fact that he hasnt forgotten. He whistles sometimes, but not talking!
Thats him a few months ago
A couple of my birds go on talking binges and then they stop talking until they feel like doing it again. I have no idea why, probably because I want to hear them. haha
He's a beautiful boy! From that angle he looks like my Alexandrine in the face:)

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