taming lovebirds

  1. F

    Taming a skittish but friendly lovebird

    I got a new lovebird ~6 months ago (he's almost one and a half), and I've slowly made some progress taming him, but it's been especially slow for a while now. He can fly, so I bring him to a bathroom for clicker training to limit his flight space. I'm able to get him to step up and sit on my...
  2. Dylan Longman

    New lovebird won't let me pet him.

    I recently got a lovebird. He is currently 18 weeks old and I got him at 10. I had a lovebird before this one and he was a lot more easier when it came to taming. My new one, trusts me enough to get on my finger. But he doesn't want me to pet him. Should I just wait, or should I try something...
  3. D

    Love bird taming

    Hi guys I'm new to bird keeping, but I saw a pair of love birds 12 weeks old and fell in love. Anyway, I have been looking for a while for a almost 'model' of taming a pair of love birds. (most seem to be directed at a single bird). I have had them coming up to 3 weeks now and I'm making...
  4. S

    Old Masked Lovebird Taming Advice

    My bird is a 10 year old masked lovebird and isn't afraid of hands if they're outside of the cage. He also tends to bite ALOT and often breaks skin and I cant get myself to let him bite me without gloves. I really need tips and advice on taming him.:rainbow1:
  5. S

    Love bird help needed!

    I bought a lovebird about a month ago off a breeder, she was the last one left. She is very beautiful, all white. The only problem is she is terrified of my hands and any movement near her cage! This is making it a nightmare to tame her, please does anyone have any tips of making her less scared...
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