
  1. psitticine

    Is she okay? :(

    Hi all. I’m concerned about my Quaker. She took a bath in her cage about half an hour ago. I had talked to the vet about helping her sinuses, as she had started sneezing a few times per day with no discharge or other red flags. They suggested a “sauna bath”, basically starting the shower for...
  2. 4sillyTilly

    GCC napping allot since 1st vet visit, normal?

    Hi guys! I'm a new conure owner and I've only had Tilly for 3 months. She is 10 months old & was in a home with a couple who were scared of her before me. I'm in love with her and she's very goofy and wonderful. I've looked for a thread with this question but I haven't been able to find anything...
  3. S

    Fischer - Lump And Closed Eye

    Hello, I am really hoping someone can help. We have a near 8 year old lovebird, called Uno. He had developed an lump on his right "cheek". This was barely noticeable 4 weeks ago when we first spotted it, as we were not sure if it was just has feathers sticking up. He was happy any healthy, he...
  4. B

    Parakeet recovering from cold and still scratching head?

    Hello my sweet little parakeet BooBoo Chicken recently seemed sick so i took her to the vet. It started suddenly at night when she was rubbing her head on EVERYTHING very obsessively and sneezing like crazy and seemed very uncomfortable. So the next morning i took her to the vet and she did not...
  5. Jewelz

    Question about molting....

    Hi! My 5 month old Black-cap conure is going through his first molt and I think it is a hard one.... His whole body is losing feathers at once ....it's been going on for a couple of weeks now but one thing I have noticed is he seems really, really tired for a bird.... I have had him to the vet...
  6. Kedika

    New to Green Cheeks (Questions?)

    Hello everyone! So about 3 weeks ago I adopted a Green Cheek Conure. And "He" is amazing majority of the time. He has gotten to love me so far not liking anyone to get him out of his cage nor will he listen to anyone else. But one this is making be go ummm what are you doing. For the last...
  7. Tired?


    Feeding time
  8. M

    Please Help

    Hello everyone, I am in serious need of some help here... I feel like I might get scolded also, and that's fine too... I just need help in any way I can. So my housemate and I were home one day about 3 weeks ago. We got a knock at the door, and a woman asked us if we were missing a bird. We...
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