
  1. 9

    Found tiny white worms in birds’ water bottle

    Hello! Hope this is a good place to post this, but recently I just bought a glass water bottle for my conures. They love bathing and dipping food in their water bowls so even before the day has ended, it’s really dirty. I got a waterbottle for them for these issues, and it’s been great! It’s...
  2. B

    Conure nose with water

    So my conure has had this issue where his nose is sometimes leaking water. He loves to dunk his pellets into his water and sometimes even dunk his head to get the pellets. He’s done this since he was a baby, sometimes his nose leaks for a day and other days he’s perfectly fine. He’s 9 months now...
  3. SamBeben

    Types of water containers for your birds

    What water containers (bowls etc) do yo use for your birds?
  4. throwingcopper33

    Not Keeping Water Down?

    I just had a female SI eclectus sent to me via Delta from a breeder in Texas last night. She is just a little over three months old. I'm sure it was a stressful event for her and she is uncomfortable in her new surroundings. Today(her first full day with me) she has been eating a lot and started...
  5. H

    Going on holiday

    Travelling is something I've wanted to do my whole life, but the thought of leaving my birds has stopped me so far. I don't want to have a huge regret of not at least trying. I wouldn't leave them for more than a week at a time. I have only ever been away from my birds one night but I want to...
  6. J

    Watering Down Pellet Food

    Hello there, I have just recently gotten to take home my 5 year old Goffin Cockatoo, who lived with his original owners for 4 years, and then was relinquished back to the pet store he was sold from. I believe he's been on a seed-only diet his entire life. I have successfully transferred him over...
  7. P

    Water vitamins?

    Hey everyone, which brand of vitamins that are added to the water do you think is the best? When I got my lovebirds their previous owners used Padovan's MultiVitaminico drops. The smell of those drops is pretty strong so I am not sure my young lovebirds and the budgie would even go near their...
  8. I

    my tinku wont dring water nor bathe

    I am having an indian ringneck. He never drinks water nor takes a bath...need help:green2:
  9. P

    Parrot health question. Please answer

    I currently have two Moluccans and the city I live in is chlorinating our water supply. Is it safe for my fids to drink or should I buy bottled water for them?
  10. Rufio850

    food in the water

    I keep reading these posts about make sure they always have fresh water. But my GCC has food mixed in his water bowl. Given his food is loaded with vitamins and nutrients so if his food is in the water making it murky, isn't that a good thing? Water filled with nutrients?
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