
  1. Joeypac

    Feather splitting and appearance changing

    Hi I really hope I am putting this in the correct spot and if not I am really sorry I adopted a Sun Conure (Holly) 10 days ago. She looked great when. I adopted her but she is starting to look different. Her feathers around her belly seem to looks damp and he tail feathers are splitting in some...
  2. Antics Of A Wet Conure

    Antics Of A Wet Conure

    Miles, wet as a hen and showing off his silly side.
  3. quackerz

    Conure avoids people after shower

    Hello, My conure is cuddly. Yes he is, trust me and I won't elaborate on that. However after show when still wet, he always wants to be alone and won't step up or interact. He becomes cuddly again when he is complete dry.. Just wondering if this is a common thing or do I need to have it...
  4. A

    New Lorikeet won't eat wet mix?

    Hi everyone! First post woo! So I just got my baby Scaley-Breasted Lorikeet (4 months old) about a week ago. I got Olive from a breeder who hand raises his birds (although mine seems a bit unhandled :confused:) . The only problem is that Olive will not touch her wet food. She only started eating...