Feather splitting and appearance changing


New member
Jan 17, 2024
Sun Conure
Hi I really hope I am putting this in the correct spot and if not I am really sorry

I adopted a Sun Conure (Holly) 10 days ago. She looked great when. I adopted her but she is starting to look different. Her feathers around her belly seem to looks damp and he tail feathers are splitting in some areas. When I brought her home she was 111 grams and now is 107 grams. She eats like crazy and cleans herself and has good interactions including lots of cuddles. I see that when the feathers change like this and she puffs up for longer something might be off. I scheduled a vet visit to make sure she is healthy but would anybody know her feathers look like that. She cleans herself all the time. Also side note there is no feather plucking or any bad behaviors like that.

I really appreciate the help
Welcome to the forums

You did the right thing, scheduling a vet visit.
Could you post a picture of her so that we can see what you mean?
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Welcome to the forums

You did the right thing, scheduling a vet visit.
Could you post a picture of her so that we can see what you mean?
I put some room temperature water in a shallow bowl and she took a very long shower and cleaned herself. Her feathers are now very bright and clean and shes very happy and doing her little dances. Me and her are learning together and now I know a good bath is a necessity for her. I kept the vet appointment still for a checkup.


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I put some room temperature water in a shallow bowl and she took a very long shower and cleaned herself. Her feathers are now very bright and clean and shes very happy and doing her little dances. Me and her are learning together and now I know a good bath is a necessity for her. I kept the vet appointment still for a checkup.
It’s hard to tell, it looks like she may be barbering her belly feathers a little bit? My green cheek did this for awhile too, as he was very hormonal.
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It’s hard to tell, it looks like she may be barbering her belly feathers a little bit? My green cheek did this for awhile too, as he was very hormonal.
I just looked into being hormonal and it almost checks every box. That was extremely helpful!
I just looked into being hormonal and it almost checks every box. That was extremely helpful!
Yeah, hormones can be a big problem for many parrot owners.
Simple changes in the diet and getting enough sleep can really change how a parrot acts, and definitely for the better!

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