wing feathers

  1. L

    Wing Injury Tips/Help?

    I recently adopted a supposedly 4-month old lovebird, my first lovebird. The previous owner did not make me aware that he has an injury to what looks like his outermost primary feathers. :smile032: Looks like it was an attempted clipping as his feathers are quite short in comparison to the...
  2. C

    Ringneck isn't growing wing feathers

    Acquitance of mine gave me a young ringneck (about 3 years old) saying that ever since her partner clipped its wing feathers it won't grow back. My question is how is this possible ? Is it possible that her partner somehow injuired the bird in such a way that the feathers won't grow anymore ? Is...
  3. S

    Mutilated feathers and tail from flight feather "trim"

    I went to a pet store I trust and have gotten wing clippings for my smaller birds who have a higher risk of escapingg from some parts of the house. Today when I went in to get my budgies wing trimmed there was a new employee. I instructed him to only trim a few flight feathers and he said he was...
  4. jaciesaur

    Ragged looking feathers post-moult

    Hey all. My Alex, Mozzie, just finished a moult about a month ago. I noticed that her feathers grew back in a bit ragged on her wings and tail, but I thought it was because they were fairly fresh and they'd even out. But since then, I've seen her preen and haven't noticed any destructive...