60 Million chickens to be slaughtered


Dec 5, 2014
Michigan, USA
5 Parrots, 8 year old Blue-fronted Amazon, 2 1/2 yr. old African Grey, 2 3/4 year old Senegal. 5 month old ekkie, 5 month old Albino parakeet. Major Mitchell Cockatoo, passed away at age 68.
Wow, nearly 60 million chickens will be slaughtered in Iowa alone, because of bird flu, and is in 7 states now. I don't know what the number is in the other states yet.

Chicken and egg prices are going to go sky high soon. As if it isn't high enough already.
:(All I can say is when they keep them in the kind of conditions that do, what exactly do they expect to happen? Disease spreads fast in stressed, unhealthy animals in cramped, unsanitary living conditions. Perhaps these..."farms" (keeping it forum friendly)... will finally wake up and clean up their operations a bit:mad::mad::mad:
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Michael, I think you accidentally added a zero to that number. 5.3 million laying hens will be destroyed due to the disease.

5.3 million Iowa laying hens to be destroyed in bird flu outbreak

yeah I seen that article.....but there is 7 other states now that are seeing an outbreak as well...that will add to the 5.3 million according to a few other articles and last months awareness article that alerted them to it in other states. The Iowa one is the latest. A local news article put it down as 53 million.....I'll have to dig that one up and show ya, then that news and weather station is crap...
I swear they use the magic 8 ball to predict the weather......going to be sunny and warm....yeah right...take a look out side you weatherman I'd tell them.

We have Chickens, and they are free ranged in the 6 acres we have. and have a large coop and large run. But they roam the yard as well.
Nice to sit out have a beer in yard and watch chicken TV....quite relaxing.
Chickens are quite hilarious.

I don't agree with conditions in those large farms that those chickens are in. So I won't say more on that, it's something I'd rather forget I seen before. Made me not want to eat chicken for a long time there for a while.
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I've got eggs. My free range chickens are just fine. The turkeys too. Need eggs just let me know. I keep them out in the mail box beside the road. Little baking soda can to put the money in. LOL
I LOVE chickens, and I refuse to buy eggs from supermarkets because of these very reasons. I only buy directly from people I know raise their chickens right. It's so sad.
So sad, and an unwelcome byproduct of factory farming. To be fair, bird flu is virulent and can easily spread regardless of housing.

I've heard many folks keep chickens for fresh eggs. Costco is now selling chicken coops in the pet section! Didn't notice the price, but the kit is packaged in a large flat box that is sized for 4 adult chickens.
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I've got eggs. My free range chickens are just fine. The turkeys too. Need eggs just let me know. I keep them out in the mail box beside the road. Little baking soda can to put the money in. LOL

Our free range Chickens are fine as well. we have Americanas, pencil rock and a couple jersy giants as well as a few bantums. Nothing better than free range eggs from your own chickens
where you know exactly what's fed to them.
I've got eggs. My free range chickens are just fine. The turkeys too. Need eggs just let me know. I keep them out in the mail box beside the road. Little baking soda can to put the money in. LOL

LOL I wish I lived closer to you! Our stupid city prohibits any poultry birds, and we've been looking for someone who keeps chickens to buy the eggs from. :)

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