a harness training question


New member
Feb 20, 2015
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2 sun conures
for you folks that use harnesses...how long does it take to harness train ? we are getting a 14 week old tag in two weeks...should we start harness training right away? should we put it on every day? for how long of time do we leave it on? any info would be great! thanks
I have the flight suit and the aviator harness for my conure and my amazon. Definitely something you want to introduce immediately- the DVD that comes with the harness gives you tips but you'll know how to proceed when you see your birds reaction.
I agree. The sooner the better. My sun conure is seven months old and I have been harness training him for the past two months. He still hates having it around his neck. I have heard of people taking many months or even years to get to the stage where their bird accepts it. Honestly, if he is still with the breeder I would ask if they don't mind if you drop off a harness and allow him to at least be exposed to it before he comes home. That's what I would do if I could. Of course for me I'm past that stage so I'm just going to have to be patient and keep going at it! Good luck and let us know how the training goes:)

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