A little lost and needing advice regarding a bad vet, and Ember's passing.


Mar 29, 2017
British Columbia
None for now.
I'm still caught up on my Bird's passing. Or more, the actual events leading to it. Again. Do NOT take your small pet to Rutland veterinary in BC Canada. If you are in the area, go to Tri-lake.
The vet who saw my bird was just a money grubbing hack who's only interest was himself.
What I'm hung up on is whether or not I should pursue legal action. And how I should go about it if I do. I don't want anyone else to lose their animal because of this guy's negligence. But I'm not made of money. And I was stupid and didn't press to have an autopsy done on Ember. So the most proof I have is an X-ray, and statement of the other vet if she is willing to help.
If he hadn't been so incompetent and greedy, I feel like we could have caught it in time. Or done something sooner.
Is this just me being in the anger faze of grief? Or are my concerns valid? I'm leaving this here so maybe someone more balanced can advise me. Someone who can remove the emotion from the situation and think with a level head.

For those of you who may not know, my parrot grew ill, she started chewing on one leg, and so I took her to a vet. He gave me antibiotic and a soap to wash her leg with. He refused to do anything more than a test for mites and kept trying to give me this soap. And, like an idiot, I kept it up. Then he told me the next time, it would be amputation.
I took her to another vet after that, to double check. And this one did ACTUAL testing. X-rays and checked with other vets. sadly, we didn't catch it in time, and I had to put her to sleep.


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Aug 21, 2010
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RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
Grieving the loss of a feathered companion has no timetable, and you're bound to have flareups triggered by any number of associations. I can understand your desire to set the record straight and speak your reality.

Was curious and Googled the clinic. They certainly advertise the care of exotics including birds, but the vet bios don't disclose avian certification. Not surprising as many facilities seek to be all things to all patients. Knowing limitations is critical and I'd hope they would have protocol to advise a certified avian vet consultation when the situation is out of their zone.

Unsure about Canada, but in the U.S. companion animals are generally considered property with low financial "value." The barrier to legal action is high and the odds of prevailing difficult. Perhaps if you can prove outright recklessness or criminal behavior? A statement by the second treating vet may be of assistance, but often they are unwilling to intercede.


Supporting Vendor
Oct 9, 2016
Middle of nowhere (kentuckianna)
Roommates include Gus, Blue and gold macaw rescue and Coco, secondhand amazon
You can write a review ... i think Yelp is in Canada and there may be other online review sites. That was poor vet care, but it's not likely you could win any judgement. You might consider writing a letter to the clinic's owners, and send a copy to the local paper. At least you will warn others..


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May 14, 2016
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I have no expertise... only empathy. I think you're very brave for looking into all this. I'd like to add that the name "Ember" is particularly beautiful in memorial. Your darling's memory IS an ember. Warm, bright, enduring.
I wish you all the luck and peace and happiness in the world.


Mar 29, 2017
British Columbia
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Thank you. And yes, she lived up to the name too. A little spitfire with a warm attitude. She made our lives just a little brighter.
(Though, the irony that we had her cremated was not lost on me.)

And may the kindness you've shown to me return to you in three.


Mar 29, 2017
British Columbia
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Well, see, that's why I regret not having it looked into further. I'd only have the other vet's statement (maybe) and an X-ray. But I feel something needs to be done. People are trusting this hack with extremely delicate things. Such as surgeries and medicare. He even admitted to me that he's lost birds specifically for the amputations almost every time but gave that as my only other option after the soap.
I'm trying not to get emotional, but something needs to be done. Right?


Mar 29, 2017
British Columbia
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I think this would actually be our best step for now. People need to know about this. It's more important other animals are spared this fate, than my getting 'what's fair' so to speak.
Thank you


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May 11, 2017
Surrey, UK
Rio (Yellow sided conure) sadly no longer with us
unless you have pretty much everything in writing from everyone involved you won't get anywhere.

At most you can argue false advertisement as they don't have Avian accreditation but that would most likely get thrown out of court. All you can say is it's a lesson to people to always make sure the vet is certified in avian care.

Do remember that these vets aren't purposefully distant or un-caring, they have to see the worst possible stuff and constantly have to put loved pets to sleep. They are extremely jaded people having to deliver horrific news daily to people. Some do handle it better but others have to switch off because otherwise they wouldn't be able to cope.

I know how you feel, there needs to be someone at fault, who needs to be blamed, but please try to move past it and remember the good that Ember gave. She wouldn't want you to be angry


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Nov 18, 2015
England, UK
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Yes please do try, totally understand your emotions. Feel all this negative will somehow ruin your memories of Ember. Be a total shame.

You could go through all the forums that are around and post your experience of the specific vet as a warning to others and if you manage to save some lives then that would be a job well done. You need to think about this for a while and tread a fine line, people will not react the same to angry and vengeful but hurt, sad and dont want anyone else to suffer the same is better. Pick the area you post carefully.

Take care.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
I'm still caught up on my Bird's passing. Or more, the actual events leading to it. Again. Do NOT take your small pet to Rutland veterinary in BC Canada. If you are in the area, go to Tri-lake.
The vet who saw my bird was just a money grubbing hack who's only interest was himself.
What I'm hung up on is whether or not I should pursue legal action. And how I should go about it if I do. I don't want anyone else to lose their animal because of this guy's negligence. But I'm not made of money. And I was stupid and didn't press to have an autopsy done on Ember. So the most proof I have is an X-ray, and statement of the other vet if she is willing to help.
If he hadn't been so incompetent and greedy, I feel like we could have caught it in time. Or done something sooner.
Is this just me being in the anger faze of grief? Or are my concerns valid? I'm leaving this here so maybe someone more balanced can advise me. Someone who can remove the emotion from the situation and think with a level head.

For those of you who may not know, my parrot grew ill, she started chewing on one leg, and so I took her to a vet. He gave me antibiotic and a soap to wash her leg with. He refused to do anything more than a test for mites and kept trying to give me this soap. And, like an idiot, I kept it up. Then he told me the next time, it would be amputation.
I took her to another vet after that, to double check. And this one did ACTUAL testing. X-rays and checked with other vets. sadly, we didn't catch it in time, and I had to put her to sleep.

I am very sorry for your loss! A loss in and of itself is terribly difficult to come to grips with. Add, a professional that for whatever reason did not provide reasonable care and it all becomes heart-wrenching. It leaves us with a want to bring closure and to guard against others having to suffer a like loss.

In taking a distant position of a cold review of your Thread, more closely to that review by a legal system. There are points that draw concern and those that weaken your position in being successful.

It appears that the approach and provided services could be seen as more in tune with an older view of Avian care. One that would treat based on what is seen and than use of historical treatments methods. This would support that the individual is not current on Avian Care nor treatments. It could also be seen as an attempt to limit costly tests and thus, a 'concern' for not over charging the client.

Pursue Legal Action: In most all Legal Systems, one can enter a Law Suit for reasons that meet the foundation of that system. It is important to understand whether you can be counter-sued, which is also allow under near all systems. Being able to fully prove your reasoning for a suit and therefore have the level and quality of supporting evidence is critical to the success.

Example 1: Claim - 'money grubbing.' Since this individual choose not to provide even minimal testing that 'has become' standard in Avian Care today, this claim will not stand. Hence, to of your claims: 'money grubbing and greedy' neither is supportable.

Example 2: Claim - 'incompetent.' Possible to prove, put requires having more than one 'Peer' provide supporting evidence and the documentation to support.

At this point, the most you have is the ability to prove False Advertising.

You can and should write reviews. There are a number of sites and in many cases the clinic's own website may have the ability to provide reviews. Several of the 'Mapping' products on the market highlight businesses and allow for comment and review.

Cautions: Write a review and have it screened prior to placing it on any site! Assure that whatever you write can be fully supported. That all said, it appears that the Clinic is not 'currently' staff to provide 'current or advance' Avian Care. The use of terms that would imply that the Clinic 'currently' has trained staff to provide such service would support False Advertising.

Again, very sorry for the coldness of this Post. There is a reason that the Lady is wearing a Blindfolded while holding a scale.

I am very sorry for your loss! Heartfelt Warm Feather Hugs.
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Dec 18, 2013
Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
Excellent and accurate assessment, Steven.

Emberamazing, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart has gone out to you since the beginning of this ordeal, and please know that those of us who have lost birds of our own understand full well that there is no time limit on grief. Ember was family to you. Getting past that is no easy thing.

But unfortunately, the points made in this thread are some very good ones, from Scott's observation about companion animals being largely seen as property with relatively low financial value (at least here in the states), to Steven's thorough and detailed breakdown of the merits of your potential case. The lack of an autopsy report further weakens your legal position and renders it almost entirely dependent upon the testimony of a single other vet. And it's doubtful said vet would be willing to take an official stance against Ember's treating vet, as the fallout could ultimately hurt her and her practice.

Kentuckienne's and Plumsmum's ideas hold the most merit for your intended purpose of saving other birds from a similar situation with a dangerously incompetent vet. Getting your story out there on Yelp, Better Business Bureau, the veterinary hospital's own website, and any other media outlet that you can will make a difference.

just be careful, as mentioned before, to make sure you only say what you can back up. Last thing you want is to be sued yourself.

One thing, though. You might want to consult with a lawyer to be sure. We've all given our opinions, but insofar as I know no one who has posted here thus far is a lawyer. Keep in mind that some lawyers will only charge if your lawsuit yields either a favorable judgement or a settlement. And it's possible that the veterinary hospital would be willing to settle out of court in the hopes of avoiding any further public condemnation of their services. (Of course, given the circumstances, that's probably the last thing you'd want. But just trying to present all sides, here.)


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May 27, 2017
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I would go the route of leaving reviews wherever possible, in the hope of saving other birds from a bad outcome. There may also be facebook groups where you can explain your experience.

I'm very sorry for your loss. :(

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