A Trip to the vet for Lu and Bleu


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
Well, as some of you know, Lucy has been quite malicious with her feathers as of late. I was home for thanksgiving break and took both birds to the vet. She was stunned at Bleu's progress and determined him completely healthy and quite bold haha She tried to take him from the table and he yelled "NOOOO!... MOMMY!!!" and ran to me.. needless to say both the vet, assistant, and I were HYSTERICAL!
Lucy was the big question here though... the vet decided despite Lucy chewing her feathers, she's in PERFECT condition :) and the vet also said I was doing extremely well for a first time bird owner with both my fids :) She also said that Lucy isn't really "chewing" her feathers, which commonly leads to picking, she's snapping them off, likely in protest of Bleu, and the weather changes here in Carolina. She said it's not abnormal and nothing to worry about, when Lu molts, those pesky shafts will molt out just like normal feathers and to not worry since it's not a chronic case :) She gave me some avitech Feather-In and said I'd be good to go! I'm so happy both my fids are healthy! Lucy even got a new cage this weekend... what a spoiled little girl :) well, time to rinse off the feather in! this should be interesting! haha time to put the new shower perch to use!
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So glad to hear such wonderful news! You are a great Mommy!
That "Nooooo ... Mommy" TOTALLY cracked me up!
Nice job with getting and keeping your birdies healthy. I am currently struggling with health problems with my Noble macaw. Since he goes to the vet quite frequently he has been doing and saying things to get out of procedures. During a close face to face exam he stuck his tongue up the doctors nose. (Not really UP there but close enough that he got her inside nose with that tongue). On one visit he told her "Don't eat me!" Another visit he jumped off my hand on top of his carrier and dived in the small opening on top so quickly it was too funny.

My favorite is when she was going to give him his shot Mihijo turned his head to look at her and told her. "No please." Too funny.

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Oh my! HAHA I was just telling my boss about your macaw today, I thought she was going to pee her pants when I told her the "don't eat me!" story you posted awhile back! haha I'm glad both my fids are healthy and Lu is just being a diva haha
Mihijo is 16 years old going on 17 this Feburary so he is a very cheeky parrot! Mihijo was taught to say Don't eat me by a friend of mine that saw the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie. She thought it would be cute for him to say it but he never said it on cue for her. He has only said it to his doctor but since she and the tech and I laughed so hard he got his drama award so now he says it to her when the tech has him wrapped in a towel for exam.

Puck didn't say anything funny to the vet, but he did scream a lot, and he drew blood from her when she drew blood from him! I had to take him in a second time because they weren't able to get enough blood from him on the first draw, because he was struggling so much. The second time, he escaped from them and they had to chase him around! LOL. He doesn't like the vet!

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