Action shots?


New member
Dec 24, 2006
Any tricks for getting moving shots that dont involve him chewing the end off my camera?



They are beautiful, amazing shots there.

I got a few of Bucc by placing him on his playarea, set the camera up all ready for pic, then held a treat in my hand, camera poised and ready, when he flew for the treat/camera, took the pic. :D Yeah he was still coming for the camera but hey I got my picture, and moved it before he got to chew it.

Its gonna keep us fit, taking pics of our birds. :D
They are very nice pictures...
I like the one where he is walking toward the camra, one foot in front of the other.
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you picked the determination in his face I think.
He nearly took a piece out of the lens cap 1 second after that shot was taken.
Later, when I brought him inside I stuck my logitech web cam up against the cage so I could use the mouse to take some pix. I went to make a coffee, and when I returned, instead of getting used to the cam, he had ripped off the rubber ring and chewed it up and scratched the Cheapo plastic lens.

He reminds me of Maddona's bodyguard.

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